Challenges and opportunities in materials for green energy production and conversion
Virtual meeting: instructions to connect are communicated upon registration (The registration is free but mandatory)
The production of green and renewable energy plays a key role in all future energy scenarios towards the zero-emission transition that has to be tackled in the next 30 years. The rapid inter-conversion of electricity into chemical energy offers an important avenue for the use of renewable energy to replace fossil fuels. The generation of electricity in fuel cells from the electrochemical reaction of H2 and O2, coupled with the photoelectrochemical water splitting to produce oxygen and hydrogen gases and the valorization of CO2 through its conversion into solar fuels are also strongly related with the concepts of circular economy. Hence, the study of materials able to efficiently harvest and transform solar energy is highly necessary. Moreover, due to the intermittent character of the solar energy, adequate energy storage and conversion strategies are also needed. This conference, organized by LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies, in collaboration with CEMHTI (UPR 3079 CNRS), Conditions Extrêmes et Matériaux: Haute Température et Irradiation, has the aim to gather international and national experts in the field of materials science whose works are contributing to electrochemical and photoelectrochemical approaches for clean energy production and conversion.
This international conference is organised in the framework of the LAVOISIER ARD 2020 Programme.
- Dr Edurne Serrano-Larrea, Former LE STUDIUM Research Fellow / LAVOISIER ARD 2020 Programme
FROM: Mineralogy and Petrology Department, UPV/EHU - ES
Dr Conchi Ania & Dr Encarnacion Raymundo-Piñero
Extreme Conditions and Materials: High Temperature and Irradiation (CEMHTI) / CNRS - FR
Main Topics
- Solar driven energy conversion (solar fuels)
- Photoelectrochemical water splitting
- Green processes for H2 production
- Fuel cells for the electrochemical reaction of H2 and O2
- Photocatalytic and electrocatalytic CO2 reduction processes
- Photoelectrocatalytic reactors for energy conversion
Confirmed speakers
- Dr Alejandro Anson-Casaos, Institute of Carbochemistry, ICB-CSIC - ES
- Prof. Ally Aukauloo, Université Paris-Saclay - FR
- Beatriz Ávila Bolívar, Institute of Electrochemistry, University of Alicante - ES
- Dr Pascal Brault, Research Group in the Energetics of Ionized Media (GREMI) / CNRS, University of Orléans - FR
- Geyla Dubed Bandomo, Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia (ICIQ) - ES
- Prof. Joaquim Faria, University of Porto - PT
- Prof. Hermenegildo García, Technical University of Valencia - ES
- Prof. Olivier Joubert, Jean Rouxel Materials Institute, University of Nantes - FR
- Dr Jesus Iniesta, University of Alicante - ES
- Prof. Christel Laberty-Robert, Sorbonne University / CNRS - FR
- Prof. Sixto Malato, Almeria Solar Platform, CIEMAT - ES
- Prof. Giuseppe Marcì, University of Palermo - IT
- Prof. Juan Matos, Autonomous University of Chile - CL
- Prof. Giuseppe Marcì, University of Palermo - IT
- Maria Syrigou, Aerosol and Particle Technology Laboratory (APTL)/ Centre of Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) - GR
- Prof. Bruno Pollet, Norwegian University of Science and Technology - NO
- Dr Jose Solla-Gullon, Institute of Electrochemistry, University of Alicante - ES
Registration & participation
Due to the Covid19 pandemic, the event will be 100% digital. We will use the Zoom platform.
Registration fee: the conference fee is waived for all the accepted participants (free of charge). All the authors are invited to register (registration form) in order to receive the link to access the conference.
How to participate: authors interested in participating in the event are invited to register (registration form) and fill in the information regarding the preference of participation (oral presenter or attendee). For the submission of abstracts for oral contributions, indicate main topic (see list), title and authors.
We encourage the participation as presenter speaker and attendee, so as to participate in the discussion rounds of the conference.
Tuesday 15th of June 2021 - 14:30 - 18:10 (GMT+2:00 - PARIS)
- 14:30 Welcome and introduction
- 14:40 Hermenegildo García - Getting closer to a large scale process. Photocatalysts for light-assisted CO2 hydrogenation
- 15:20 Jesus Iniesta - Electrochemical and structural characterization of mixed matrix membrane coated electrodes for CO2 electroreduction
- 15:50 Geyla Dubed Bandomo - CO2 conversion with {Mn(CO)3Br} molecular sites into Covalent-Organic Frameworks
- 16:20 Beatriz Avila - CO2 electroreduction to formate on Sn, Bi and Sb nanostructured electrodes: from fundamental studies to practical devices
- 16:50 Break
- 17:00 Joaquim Faria - Carbon geometries as the base concept for developing efficient photocatalysts
- 17:40 Carlos Sanchez - Electrolyte engineering for electrochemical CO2 reduction
Wednesday 16th of June 2021 - 14:30 - 18:10 (GMT+2:00 - PARIS)
- 14:30 Christel Laberty-Robert - Impact of Electrodes Nanostructuration on Photoelectrochemical Performances
- 15:10 José Solla-Gullon - Recent advances and remaining challenges on the use of shape-controlled-metal nanoparticles in Electrocatalysis
- 15:50 Alejandro Anson-Casaos - Photoelectrochemical characterization of C/TiO2 and C/ZnO nanomaterials in aqueous electrolyte
- 16:20 Conchi Ania - Metal-free nanoporous carbons: possibilities in photo(electrochemical) energy conversion
- 16:50 Break
- 17:00 Giuseppe Marci - Photocatalytic reduction of CO2 in gas-solid and in liquid-solid regimes
- 17:40 Ally Aukaloo - From molecular to nanostructured materials for artificial photosynthesis
Thursday 17th of June 2021 - 14:30 - 18:40 (GMT+2:00 - PARIS)
- 14:30 Olivier Joubert - Brief Overview of Current French Hydrogen Research Activities, Focus on Materials
- 15:10 Pascal Brault - Reactive molecular dynamics simulations of H2 production and conversion
- 15:50 Sixto Malato - Solar photocatalytic hydrogen production at pilot scale
- 16:20 Athanasios G. Konstandopoulos - Material and Reactor Technologies for Solar Fuels
- 16:50 Break
- 17:00 Juan Matos - H2 production on 1D and 2D Carbon-containing Fe-, Co, and Ni-based foamy catalysts.
- 17:40 Bruno Pollet - Ultrasound-Assisted Electrolytic Hydrogen Production
- 18:10 Round Table
Partners of the event