Innate immunity in a biomineralized context: trade-offs or synergies?
Virtual meeting: instructions to connect are communicated upon registration (The registration is free but mandatory)
Biomineralized structures can function as a barrier to the external environment, and as such are conceptually entwined with innate immune processes. Disentangling immune and biomineralization mechanisms represents a significant challenge for researchers trying to understand how organisms could integrate biomineral formation and plasticity with maintenance of critical innate immune protection. In fact, there is increasing evidence that immune proteins can serve genuine dual-functional roles, both in regulation of biomineralization, as well as resisting pathogens. This awareness is growing in models as diverse as the dual-functionning haemocytes of marine bivalves, and in mineralization / demineralization of the avian eggshell. Moreover, reef corals, in which calcification is coupled to the photosynthetic activity of their mutualistic symbiots, must adapt their innate immune system to achieve this tolerance. Cnidarian immune-related processes in response to abiotic stresses are increasingly implicated in loss of symbiosis and coral bleaching.
This conference aims to bring together scientists working with diverse models of biomineralization, for an exchange of perspectives on the innate immune function of the calcified barrier and the dual role played by specific genes / proteins in these two critical functions.
Key words
biomineralization; barrier; calcium carbonate; anti-microbial; eggshell; mollusk; bivalve; corals; innate immunity
Prof. Maxwell Hincke, LE STUDIUM Research Professor
FROM: Innovation in Medical Education & Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa - CA
IN RESIDENCE AT: Avian Biology & Poultry Research (BOA) / Centre INRAE Val de Loire, University of Tours - FR -
Dr Sophie Réhault-Godbert,
Avian Biology & Poultry Research (BOA) / Centre INRAE Val de Loire, University of Tours - FR
Confirmed speakers
- Dr Liliana D’Alba, University of Gent - BE
- Dr Sophie Berland, The French National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) Paris - FR
- Dr Claudine Blin, Laboratory of Molecular PhysioMedicine (LP2M) /CNRS, Nice Côte d'Azur University - FR
- Dr Ian Dunn, University of Edinburgh - UK
- Dr Joël Gautron, Avian Biology & Poultry Research (BOA) / Centre INRAE Val de Loire, University of Tours - FR
- Dr Nicolas Guyot, Avian Biology & Poultry Research (BOA) / Centre INRAE Val de Loire, University of Tours - FR
- Prof. Bernd Kaspers, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich - DE
- Dr Frédéric Marin, University of Burgundy Franche-Comté - FR
- Prof. Marc McKee, McGill University - CA
- Dr Christine Paillard, Laboratory Of Environmental Marine Sciences(LEMAR) / CNRS, University of Brest - FR
- Dr Robbie Rae, Liverpool John Moores University - UK
- Dr Natalie Reznikov, McGill University - CA
- Prof. Alejandro Rodriguez Navarro, University of Granada - ES
- Prof. Inna M. Sokolova, University of Rostock - DE
- Dr Nikki Traylor-Knowles, University of Miami - USA
- Dr Jeroen Van de Water, Monaco Scientifique Center - MC
Tuesday 23rd March 2021 - 13:00 - 18:10 (GMT+1:00 - PARIS)
- 13:00 Sophie Gabillet (Le Studium Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies - France)
- 13:20 Prof. Maxwell Hincke & Dr Sophie Réhault-Godbert - Introduction: Dynamics of Structural Barriers and Innate Immune Components
SESSION 1: Overview of innate immunity
- 13:30 Prof. Bernd Kaspers - The developing immune system of the chicken embryo
- 14:00 Prof. Marc McKee - The structure of avian (chicken) eggshell
- 14:30 Break (10 minutes)
SESSION 2: Avian eggs: structure, microbiota and molecules of innate immunity
- 14:40 Prof. Alejandro Rodriguez Navarro - Mechanisms of eggshell biomineralization
- 15:00 Dr Liliana D’Alba - Eggshell mineralization in relation to nesting ecology in reptiles
- 15:20 Dr Sophie Réhault-Godbert - The eggshell microbiome
- 15:40 Dr Ian Dunn - The genetics and function of the cuticle, the eggs antimicrobial outer barrier.
- 16:00 Prof. Maxwell Hincke - The chroriallantoic membrane: insight from proteomics.
- 16:20 Dr Nicolas Guyot - Phylogenetic and structural evolution of egg antimicrobial proteins and peptides
- 16:40 Flash posters presentations:
Maeva Halgrain - Deciphering the role of the chorioallantoic membrane in eggshell decalcification during chicken embryonic development.Dr Garima Kulshreshtha - Food safety of table eggs is modified by bird environment and behaviour as reflected by eggshell cuticle quality.
- 16:50 Break (10 minutes)
- 17:00 Dr Claudine Blin - The innate immune function and diversity of osteoclasts
- 17:20 Dr Natalie Reznikov - Application of deep learning for segmentation of 3D images in biomineralization research
SESSION 4: Integrative Workshop
- 17:40 Dr Joël Gautron - Avian eggshell biomineralization and innate immunity
- 18:10 End of the first day
Wednesday 24th March 2021 - 13:30 - 16:45 (GMT+1:00 - PARIS)
- 13:30 Prof. Maxwell Hincke & Dr Sophie Réhault-Godbert - Introduction to the second day
SESSION 5: Theme invertebrates (bivalves, snails)
- 13:40 Prof Inna M. Sokolova - Multifunctionality of bivalve hemocytes: A potential source of trade-off between immunity and biomineralization?
- 14:00 Dr Frédéric Marin - Mollusk shell matrices: unexpected functions in biomineralization
- 14:20 Dr Sophie Berland - Probing the mechanical properties and biochemical defence offered by shell matrix proteins in bivalves
- 14:40 Dr Christine Paillard - The Brown Ring disease in clams, a double-edged defense mechanism for shell disease recovery!
- 15:00 Dr Robbie Rae - Biological armour used to kill parasites
15:20 Flash poster presentations: Dr Liu Chuang - Proteomics of shell matrix proteins from the cuttlefish bone reveals unique evolution for cephalopod biomineralization
- 15:25 Break (20 minutes)
SESSION 6: Theme corals
- 15:45 Dr Nikki Traylor-Knowles - Coral eco-immunity in a disease landscape of unknowns
- 16:05 Dr Jeroen Van de Water - Host-microbe interactions in octocoral holobionts
SESSION 7: Integrative Workshop
- 16:25 Prof. Marc McKee & Prof. Maxwell Hincke: Lessons learned and the path forward for innate immunity in biomineralization
- 16:45 End of the conferenc
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