International Meeting on Plasma Cosmetic Science
Hôtel Dupanloup
1 rue Dupanloup
45000 Orléans
The 1st International Meeting on Plasma Cosmetic Science (IMPCS-1) targets the emergence of a new dedicated field of applications of atmospheric pressure plasmas in biology in close connection with cosmetic industry needs.
This international conference is organised in the framework of the ARD 2020 Cosmetosciences Programme.
- Tissue biology (tissue for Cosmetics primarily include skin, nails, hairs, external mucosa)
- Translation from plasma medicine achievements to Cosmetics
- Plasma-targeted cosmetic/aesthetics effects
- Tissue models (from in vitro to explants) relevant for plasma delivery studies in Cosmetics
- Safety, toxicity, regulation in Cosmetics
- Plasma sources and diagnostics for Cosmetics
- Market, needs, trends in Cosmetics
- Plasma-assisted production of cosmetic products and packaging
Main objectives
- To favor open exchanges amongst plasma scientists, skin biologists, cosmetic industry experts
- To reach a consensus on the definition of the “plasma cosmetic science”
Besides informal exchanges and social events, the meeting will integrate:
- Invited and selected oral contributions
- Two panel discussions on plasma devices and plasma cosmetics
- Poster pitches and sessions.
IMPCS-1 This event is sponsored by Le Studium Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies through the Plasma Cosmetic Consortium including:
- Dr Eric Robert, GREMI / CNRS, University of Orléans - FR
- Dr Jean-Michel Pouvesle, GREMI / CNRS, University of Orléans - FR
- Prof. Vittorio Colombo, University of Bologne - IT
- Prof. Ihn Han, Plasma Bioscience Research Center, Kwangwoon University - KR
- Prof. Jun-Seok Oh, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka City University - JP
- Prof. Thomas Von Woedtke, Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Greifswald - DE
- Dr Catherine Grillon, CBM / CNRS Orléans - FR
- Prof. David B. Graves, U.C. Berkeley - US
- Dr Endre Szili, University of South Australia in Adélaïde - AU
- Dr Eric Robert & Dr Jean-Michel Pouvesle,
Research Group in the Energetics of Ionized Media (GREMI) / CNRS, University of Orléans - FR - Dr Catherine Grillon,
Molecular Biophysics Centre (CBM) / CNRS - FR

Hôtel Dupanloup : 1, rue Dupanloup - 45000 ORLEANS - FR
The conference venue is unique. Located right next to the Orléans’ cathedral, the episcopal palace of Orléans, built between 1635 and 1641, locally known as the Hôtel Dupanloup, is a classical French building which served until 1905 of residence to the bishops of Orléans. Since 2014, the renewed palace hosts the International University Center for Research and Le Studium Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies.
Participants will be welcomed in this exceptional surrounding, blending Middle Age and Renaissance cultures with modern design and will have the opportunity to discover French cuisine and wines.
Confirmed speakers
- Prof. Paula Bourke, Technological University Dublin - IE
- Dr Giovanni Busco, Center for Molecular Biophysics - FR
- Prof. Allison Cowin, University of South Australia - AU
- Dr Constance Duchesne, Plasma Physics Laboratory, Polytechnic School - FR
- Prof. Steffen Emmert, University Medical Center Rostock - DE
- Prof. Alexander Fridman, Nyheim Plasma Institute, Drexel University - US
- Amandine Goubert, Cosmetic Valley - FR
- Prof. David B. Graves, U.C. Berkeley - US
- Dr Marco Krewing, University of California, Berkeley - US
- Prof. Zdenko Machala, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics - SK
- Paula Sophie Marx, Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology - DE
- Prof. Akitoshi Okino, Tokyo Institute of Technology - JP
- Marie-Christine Sommer, Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology - DE
- Dr Azadeh Valinataj Omran, Center for Molecular Biophysics - FR
- Prof. Thomas von Woedtke, Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology, Greifswald - DE
- Prof. Zilan Xiong, Huazhong University of Sci. & Tech - CN
- 08:30 Welcome coffee & registration
- 09:00 Official opening
- 09:30 Prof. Thomas von Woedtke - Translation from plasma medicine achievements to cosmetics
- 10:15 Prof. Steffen Emmert - Plasma Medicine Applications in Cosmetic Dermatology
- 11:00 Coffee break
- 11:30 Prof. Paula Bourke - Biological interactions with cold atmospheric plasma:Considerations for efficacy and safe application
- 12:15 Poster pitch
- 12:30 Lunch & posters session
- 14:15 Prof. Allison Cowin - An introduction to skin biology, in vitro and in vivo skin models, and their relevance to plasma cosmetics science
- 15:00 Prof. David B. Graves - Machine learning for modeling, diagnostics and control of non-equilibrium plasmas interacting with biological tissue
- 15:30 Dr Azadeh Valinattajomran & Dr Giovanni Busco - Cold Atmospheric Plasma for safe and tolerable tissue treatment
- 16:00 Coffee break
- 16:30 Dr Marco Krewing - Estimating the risk of plasma-resistant bacterial strains
- 17:00 Prof. Zdenko Machala - Cold air plasma of streamer discharge or plasma activated water for antibacterial effects and wound healing
- 17:30 Prof. Alexander Fridman - Plasma Cosmetics: Specifics of Applications and Safety Challenges
- 18:30 Public Lecture in French – Dr Céline Couteau & Dr Laurence Coiffard : En 2019, faut-il avoir peur des cosmétiques ?
- 20:00 Wine & cheese cocktail – Hôtel Dupanloup
- 08:45 Welcome coffee
- 09:00 Dr Constance Duchesne - Cold-atmospheric plasmas stimulate extra-cellular matrix formation and skin cells rejuvenation
- 09:45 Prof. Akitoshi Okino - Development of temperature-controllable multi-gas atmospheric plasma source for cosmetic applications
- 10:15 Marie-Christine Sommer - The impact of cold atmospheric plasma on the melanogenesis in human skin
- 10:45 Coffee break
- 11:15 Panel discussion 1 - Plasma sources for cosmetic: Issues, challenges and drawbacks
Moderators: Dr Jean-Michel Pouvesle & Prof. Alexander Fridman - 12:30 Lunch & posters session
- 13:30 Departure by bus - Guided visit of Le Clos Lucé & Amboise Castle
- 20:15 Social dinner - Côté Saveurs Restaurant
- 08:45 Welcome coffee
- 09:00 Amandine Goubert - Cosmetic industry : innovations and plasma potential
- 09:45 Paula Sophie Marx - Effects of plasma-induced lipoxidation on the penetration behavior of drugs into the stratum corneum in a porcine ear model
- 10:15 Coffee break
- 10:45 Prof. Zilan Xiong - Cold Atmospheric Plasma (CAP) Treatment of Onychomycosis: Application and Mechanism
- 11:15 Panel discussion 2 - Opportunities of plasma technologies in cosmetic
Moderators: Prof. Jun-Seok Oh & Amandine Goubert - 12:15 Closing ceremony
- 12:30 Lunch box
(Including two lunches, a Wine & Cheese cocktail and the coffee breaks)
Private institutions | 250 EUR |
Public institutions | 180 EUR |
Students & PhD Scholars | 75 EUR |
Social dinner & excursion | 80 EUR |
Social dinner & excursion
A tourist excursion is planned on Tuesday 26th November afternoon that includes:
- Castle of Amboise : entrance and guided visit of the castle
- Le Clos Lucé : entrance and guided visit
- Dinner at a restaurant near Orléans
All transportations by bus.