Feng Huang

China agricultural unversity, Beijin - CN
In residence at
Research Group in the Energetics of Ionized Media (GREMI) / CNRS, University of Orléans - FR
Host scientist
Dr Eric Robert
Feng Huang, born on August 29, 1976, graduated from the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in June 2005, majoring in plasma physics. She has worked in China Agricultural University for 20 years. She was once as a visiting scholar at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the United States from September 2011 to July 2012 and as the guest research fellow in LE STUDIUM and CNRS/University of Orleans from December 2021 to December 2022. Her research interests include atmospheric plasma, complex plasma, plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, and the interdisciplinary research on plasma and agriculture, computer science, and biology.
PROJECT (2025-2026)
Plasma Agriculture and Its AI Approaches
This project concerns the research of plasma application in agriculture with its AI approaches. One of the aims of this project is to study the effects of plasma strategies on agriculture including the growth, yield, nutritional composition, gene expression and metabolic regulation of crops. Various plasma diagnostic methods under different discharge conditions will be combined to find out the optimized plasma discharge conditions for agricultural applications.
Although plasma is a promising green agricultural technology, there is a lack of research on the identification, classification and evaluation of plasma applied agricultural objects. With the development of artificial intelligence (AI), it is feasible and effective to build models to identify and evaluate the agricultural objects of plasma application. Thus, in this project, designing AI approaches for plasma agriculture applications will be another main research aim.
In this program, laboratory and field application of different plasma discharge strategies will be carried out first. Then the corresponding dataset of plasma application in agriculture scenes will be built. Next, the AI approaches with building different models for the recognition, classification and evaluation in different stages of plasma agriculture application will be designed. The application effects and prospects of these studies on the environmental protection will also be analyzed and evaluated.
PROJECT (2021-2022)
Plasma application in agriculture
This project concerns the research of the plasma application in agriculture, including the diagnosis of plasma discharge with different discharge conditions and the agricultural applications. Direct micrograph image and spectral analysis and recognition will be combined in discharge diagnosis to find out the relationship between plasma discharge conditions and real-time diagnostic data by characteristic images or characteristic spectra.
Because plasma technology has broad application prospects in agriculture, the interdisciplinary research of plasma and agriculture based on the above diagnosis will also be carried out in this project, such as through plasma seed treatment to study the effects of plasma on the plant growth, nutritional composition and gene expression of plant.
For plasma seed treatment, how to explore the optimized plasma discharge conditions and how to explain the mechanism of plasma effect from the aspect of biology are the important problems to be solved. These two problems are closely related to the practical agriculture application effect of plasma. Thus, in this project the identification and classification of the effects of different plasma treatments and explore the biological mechanism of plasma effects will be studied with the help of plasma diagnose, plant growth status detection and biological characteristics analysis, etc.
Final reports
Plasma technology can be applied in different stages of agricultural production with increasing yield and improving quality. The promotion effect of plasma on agriculture depends on the plasma treatment parameters and effective methods of plasma diagnostics. In order to obtain optimized plasma treatment parameters and identify plasma agricultural objects, it is necessary to combine with artificial intelligence (AI), which can play an important role in plasma diagnosis and plasma agricultural applications. In our studies, plasma discharge spectra were effectively identified by building an AI model. In order to identify agricultural objects by plasma treatment at different stages of agricultural production, different AI models were constructed, showing the effectiveness of AI in plasma agriculture. These results also show the practical application and advantages of the plasma-agriculture-AI multidisciplinary combination.