
     CNRS Research Director in organometallic chemistry,

     LPCNO University of  Toulouse INSA-CNRS-UPS, FR

     Research Interests:  Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry,
     Nanoparticles, Magnetism, Catalysis


Bruno Chaudret is a French chemist and director of research at the CNRS. His research is in organometallic chemistry, particularly the interactions between hydrogen and transition metals.
He graduated at the École Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Paris in 1975. He then completed a Ph.D. at Imperial College in London under Sir Geoffrey Wilkinson (1977), and a Ph.D. at the Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse (1979) under Professor René Poilblanc. He joined the CNRS as a research associate in 1977. He is now Research Director of Exceptional Class at the CNRS and Director of the Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of Nano-Objects at INSA in Toulouse (UMR 5215 INSA-CNRS-UPS). 
Chaudret synthesized the first bis(dihydrogen) complex and demonstrated its high reactivity, particularly for the activation of C-H, Si-H and more generally of poorly reactive bonds.[2] He has also been interested in the spectroscopic properties of these species, in particular the quantum exchange of protons in the coordination sphere of transition metals.