Doctor-Ing. In Computer Sciences from 2013, he worked on several research projects, from academics ones to industrials. After a research fellow position in Germany in 2014, he was back to France, in Tours, to create in 2016 with Pr. Gilles Venturini and head a new applied research lab, called ILIAD3. ILIAD3 helps various labs in the field of AI data algorithms, computer vision, 3D digital capture and visualisation and interactions projects. Barthélemy specifically worked on applied research in Digital Humanities with main outcomes which were part of exhibitions (Musée des Beaux-Arts, 2018 ; Chambord 1519-2019, 2019 ; Château de Blois, 2020  ; Azay le Rideau, 2021; Chateau de Loches 2022) and more recently the “Tour de Choeur de Chartres” (2023).

A review of Cultural Heritage digital projects with innovations outcomes in public exhibitions setups  

Among all various projects ILIAD3 were involved in, a large amount of them had to deal with interactions and visualisation setups integrated in public exhibition. From Reality Augmented mobile apps, to dedicated engineered devices (input devices, display devices) we designed, developed and experimented many prototypes.  In this talk, we will present the design stages, and methodology used with scientist teams in various domains such as Computer Sciences: 3D data collection, processing and application design, and Human Science, including Art History, History, Sociology. Working in a multidisciplinary environment needs every actor, from scientists, engineers to technical staff from Museum, Monuments or Castles to work together. The first part of this presentation will expose the purposes and the issues to be addressed in such projects. In the second part, we will illustrate the talk showing previous and current projects examples. We will finally discuss each methods and objectives along with public feedback and further improvements. 

Barthélemy Serres


2.LIFAT Université de Tours
Address: 64 av. Jean Portalis, 37200 TOURS
Phone: (+) 33 6 27 65 90 21
University of Tours - FR