I graduated in 2001 from ESPCI-ParisTech, a french "grande ecole", providing a master-level multidisciplinary training with a major in physics.
For my PhD I studied neurovascular coupling with 2-photon microscopy imaging and became a Doctor in Philosophy from Sorbonne University (Paris 6) in 2005.
Then I worked as a post-doc research fellow, mainly in University College London, and I performed research and development both in microscopy and in neuroscience.
In 2015 I got a permanent position at INSERM in Paris, and since I have been focusing at research and development of microscopy and modelling tools to study neurovascular coupling in the laboratory of Serge Charpak.  

Investigation of functional hyperaemia with an experiment-based model of brain vasculature

Functional hyperemia is the local increase in blood flow that occurs in response to local activation of neurons. In the olfactory bulb, functional hyperemia involves complex velocity changes resulting from vessel dilations at several levels of the vascular tree. Disentangling the effects of dilations occurring at each level is difficult as diameter changes cannot be selectively manipulated in vivo.  Experiment-based modelling can provide further insight in this question. 
The vasculature was divided into four functional units according to the kinetics of the diameter changes of individual vessels. A four-level network was then developed by reducing all vessels in each of these physiological units into an equivalent tube. The diameter of each equivalent tube was set so that its resistance matches the resistance of the physiological unit. A formal mathematical model was developed to calculate the flow in each compartment as a function of the diameters of each compartment.
In response to diameter changes whose kinetics followed experimental measurements, the model predicted RBC velocity dynamics in the compartments that were in line with the experimental results. Furthermore, the model allowed to manipulate the inputted diameter changes and test their impact on the velocity and flow changes. Our modeling faithfully shows that RBC velocity dynamics in the olfactory bulb results from the timing and relative changes of diameter that occur in the different vascular compartments.

Emmanuelle Chaigneau

Institut de la Vision / INSERM, Sorbonne University

17 rue Moreau
75012 Paris - FR

Email: emmanuelle.chaigneau@inserm.fr
Tel.:  +33153462611