Insect invasions in a changing world
December 17, 2014 - December 19, 2014
Centre International Universitaire pour la Recherche
1, rue Dupanloup
45000 Orléans
Convenors :
- Dr. Natalia Kirichenko, LE STUDIUM® RESEARCH FELLOWon leave from Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, in residence at INRA, URZF (Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière), Orléans, France.
- Dr. Alain Roques, Research DirectorINRA, URZF (Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière), Orléans, France.
- Dr. Sylvie Augustin, Deputy DirectorINRA, URZF (Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière), Orléans, France.
- Dr. Carlos Lopez-Vaamonde, Research ScientistINRA, URZF (Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière), Orléans, France.
Confirmed Speakers:
- Dr. Tea AmmunetSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences / Department of Ecology, Uppsala, Sweden
- Dr. Peter BaierInsitute of Forest Entomologie, Forest Pathology and Forest Protection / University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
- Dr. Yuri BaranchikovSukachev Institute of Forest, Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Forest Zoology department, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
- Dr. Andrea BattistiUniversity of Padova / Department DAFNAE-Entomology, Legnaro, Italy
- Dr. Manuela BrancoInstituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA), University of Lisbon / Centro de Estudos Florestais (CEF), Lisbon, Portugal
- Dr. Milka GlavendekićUniversity of Belgrade / Faculty of Forestry, Belgrade, Serbia
- Dr. Marc KenisCABI-Europe Switzerland / Risk Analysis and Invasion Ecology Section, Delemont, Switzerland
- Dr. Carole KerdelhuéINRA, CBGP / Montpellier, France
- Dr. Mathieu LaparieINRA / Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière, Orléans, France
- Dr. Stig LarssonSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences / Department of Ecology, Uppsala, Sweden
- Dr. Erik J. van NieukerkenNaturalis Biodiversity Center / Department of Terrestrial Zoology, Leiden, The Netherlands
- Dr. Deepa PureswaranCanadia Forest Service / Laurentrian Forestry Centre, Quebec, Canada
- Dr. David RenaultUniversity of Rennes / Rennes, France
- Dr. Christelle RobinetINRA / Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière, Orléans, France
- Dr. Rodolphe RougerieMuséum National d'Histoire Naturelle / Paris, France
- Dr. Axel SchopfBOKU-University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences / Institute of Forest Entomology, Forest Pathology & Forest Protection,Vienna, Austria
- Dr. Viktória TóthUniversity of West-Hungary, Institute of Silviculture and Forest Protection / Faculty of Forestry, Sopron, Hungary
- Dr. Carlos Lopez-VaamondeINRA / Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière, Orléans, France
- PhD student Julien HaranINRA / Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière, Orléans, France
- Dr. Natalia Kirichenkoon leave from Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, in residence at INRA, URZF (Unité de Recherche Zoologie Forestière), Orléans, France
- Insect invasions in relation to climate change
- Adaptation, phenotypic plasticity and invasion potential
- Genomics of invasion, DNA metabarcoding and early detection
- Pathways and routes of invasion
- Modeling and prediction of invasions
- Ecological and economic impacts and management of invasive insects