Natural and human-assisted adaptation of forests to climatic constraints: the relevance of interdisciplinary approaches
November 18, 2014 - November 19, 2014
Centre International Universitaire pour la Recherche
1, rue Dupanloup
45000 Orléans
Convenors :
- Dr. Alejandro MARTINEZ-MEIER,
on leave from INTA, EEA Bariloche, Patagonía, Argentina, in residence at INRA - UR0588 (Unité d´Amélioration Génétique et Physiologie Forestières), Orléans - France. - Dr. Philippe ROZENBERG, Research Director
INRA, Val de Loire - UR0588 (Unité d´Amélioration Génétique et Physiologie Forestières, Orléans – France.
Confirmed Speakers:
- Sabine Rosner, BOKU university of Vienna
- Guillermina Dalla-Salda, INTA
- Sally Aitken, University of British Columbia
- Ute Sass-Klaassen, University of Wageningen
- Martin Weih, Umeo university
- Martin De Luis, University of Zaragoza
- Alejandro Martinez-Meier, INTA
- Patrick Fonti, WSL
- Sylvie Oddou-Muratorio, INRA
- Antoine Kremer, INRA
- Michel Vennetier, IRSTEA
- Sylvain Delzon, INRA
- Adaptation to water availability
- Dendroecological response to climatic constraints
- Ecophysiological response to climatic constraints
- The individual (plastic) and population (genetic) response to climatic constraints
- Tree breeding and silviculture for adaptation to climatic constraints
- Natural and human-assisted strategies for adaptation to climate change.