
     Professor of Physiology and Biochemistry

     Director of the Neurovascular Research Laboratory

      University of South Wales, UK

     Research Interests: Biology, Human Physiology, Cerebrovascular function,
     Free Radical Biology, Spin Trapping


Damian M. Bailey embarked on a PhD in human physiology while working at the British Olympic Medical Centre in collaboration with the University of Oxford.  Following postdoctoral training at the Universities of California San Diego, Colorado Health Sciences Center and Heidelberg, he returned to the University of South Wales where he is a Royal Society Wolfson Professor of Physiology leading the Neurovascular Research Laboratory. His research program takes an integrative translational approach to investigate how free radicals and associated reactive oxygen/nitrogen species impact cerebral bioenergetic function across the clinical spectrum of health and disease. He is especially interested in how the human brain adapts to extremes of oxygen and gravity, taking advantage of unique experimental models that range from high-altitude mountaineering, freediving, skydiving, spaceflight and (the first) isolated extracorporeal pulsatile-perfusion brain system. He has published ~380 papers and recipient of numerous prestigious awards and fellowships from the Royal Society, Royal Society of Chemistry, American College of Sports Medicine and The Physiological Society. He is currently Editor-in-Chief of Experimental Physiology and Chair of the Life Sciences Working Group and member of the Human Spaceflight and Exploration Science Advisory Committee to the European Space Agency.