University Hospital of Basel
Address: Petersgraben 5, Basel - Switzerland
In July 2022, I graduated as a medical doctor from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. During my first year in Switzerland, I worked as a neurology resident at the Rehabilitation Clinic REHAB Basel from 2022 to 2023. In October 2023, I began my PhD under the supervision of Professor M.Psychogios in the University of Basel . The main topic of the PhD is ICAD-related strokes and their acute treatment with Rescue Stenting. After more than a year of clinical research in Neuroradiology, I recently begun my training as a radiology resident in the Neurofocus program in the University Hospital of Basel.
Non-contrast Flat-detector CT: Positioning, Radiation, Diagnostic Yield, SPINNERS
In the presentation we will explore the use of flat-detector native CT (FDCT), FDCT angiography and FDCT perfusion imaging protocols in acute stroke care. In order to understand the importance of the FDCT, we will discuss together the idea of “One-Stop in Stroke”, an idea of hyperacute stroke management, where the patient is taken directly to the angio-suit without losing time in multiple “stops” in the emergency department. Regarding the practical use, we will focus on effective dose measurements for patients undergoing and we will discuss the practical topic of positioning of the patient, protocol selection, artifact management, and post-processing from the native FDCT. Finally, after getting an idea of the practical part we will dive into the literature exploring the important topic of diagnostic accuracy and we will get to know the studies which are currently investigating the matter, and they are comparing the FDCT with the conventional CT. One of the studies that are aiming to do that is SPINNERS. The Trial is conducted in the University Hospital of Basel and is currently running in Europe and the USA. We will go through the design of the SPINNERS trial and its current status.