Flat-Panel Diagnostic Imaging in Acute Neurovascular Diseases – We can only treat what we see

April 07, 2025 - April 08, 2025

Hôtel de Ville de Tours
Place Jean Jaurès
Salle Anatole France
37000 Tours


In recent years, technological developments have opened new frontiers in diagnostic imaging. In the rapidly growing field of minimally invasive treatment for neurological disorders, 2D projection imaging remains the standard of care for many procedures.

Recent advances in intraoperative diagnostic flat-panel imaging, particularly the advent of high-resolution, time-resolved 3D imaging, post-treatment of perfusion acquisitions, fusion imaging with other modalities and live overlays have provided physicians with complex yet valuable additional information. As with any new technology, effective acquisition, detection, and interpretation of the findings require experience and a solid evidence-based foundation. However, many of the techniques presented are not yet widely adopted. Implementing new techniques without a strong evidence-based foundation may lead to misinterpretation and slow the adoption of an otherwise beneficial modality. To prevent this and in order to gain momentum for this new development, the scientific goal of the congress is to bring together leading researchers in this emerging field, train physicians to adopt and utilize the new imaging modality, and outline future research in collaboration with industry partners.

 With speakers from diverse international backgrounds, the workshop offers a rich exchange of ideas, blending technical expertise with innovative thematic insights and direct clinical application. The conference is structured around the four core subjects: Technical Basics, Stroke, Shunting Lesion and a researchers and industry roundtable. Each core subject is lead by renowned experts in the field and will provide detailed insights into each pathology covered. 

Specific sessions include directly applicable information on e.g. how to setup your angiography suite for direct-to-angio imaging, how to install and utilize perfusion flat-panel imaging during or after mechanical thrombectomy, how to benefit from fusion imaging to understand shunting lesions and causes of hemorrhage as well as a session dedicated to Flat-Panel-CT for the detection of CSF-venous fistulas.

Besides training in perioperative imaging, the congress envisaged to create a stimulating environment to initiate scientific collaboration and clinical projects. With representative from industry, there will also be an opportunity to discuss directly the implementation of the covered techniques at your center.



Confirmed speakers

Click on the name to display the abstract

  • Aikaterini Anastasiou, University Hospital of Basel - CH
    Aikaterini Anastasiou

    University Hospital of Basel

    Address:  Petersgraben 5, Basel - Switzerland

      Email: aikaterini.anastastasiou@usb.ch

    In July 2022, I graduated as a medical doctor from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. During my first year in Switzerland, I worked as a neurology resident at the Rehabilitation Clinic REHAB Basel from 2022 to 2023. In October 2023, I began my PhD under the supervision of Professor M.Psychogios in the University of Basel . The main topic of the PhD is ICAD-related strokes and their acute treatment with Rescue Stenting. After more than a year of clinical research in Neuroradiology, I recently begun my training as a radiology resident in the Neurofocus program in the University Hospital of Basel.

    Non-contrast Flat-detector CT: Positioning, Radiation, Diagnostic Yield, SPINNERS 

    In the presentation we will explore the use of flat-detector native CT (FDCT), FDCT angiography and FDCT perfusion imaging protocols in acute stroke care. In order to understand the importance of the FDCT, we will discuss together the idea of “One-Stop in Stroke”, an idea of hyperacute stroke management, where the patient is taken directly to the angio-suit without losing time in multiple “stops” in the emergency department. Regarding the practical use, we will focus on effective dose measurements for patients undergoing and we will discuss the practical topic of positioning of the patient, protocol selection, artifact management, and post-processing from the native FDCT. Finally, after getting an idea of the practical part we will dive into the literature exploring the important topic of diagnostic accuracy and we will get to know the studies which are currently investigating the matter, and they are comparing the FDCT with the conventional CT. One of the studies that are aiming to do that is SPINNERS. The Trial is conducted in the University Hospital of Basel and is currently running in Europe and the USA. We will go through the design of the SPINNERS trial and its current status. 

  • Fouzi Bala, Regional University Hospital in Tours - FR
    Fouzi Bala

    Regional University Hospital in Tours

    Address: Faculté de Médecine, 2 Boulevard Tonnellé 37034 Tours - France

     Email: f.bala@chu-tours.fr

    Fouzi Bala is an interventional neuroradiologist (MD, MSc) at Tours University Hospital. After his diagnostic and interventional neuroradiology training at Lille University Hospital, he did a research fellowship at the Kings College Hospital in London and then within the renowned Calgary Stroke Program. During his stay in Calgary, he led the imaging core lab of the randomized trial AcT and has been actively involved in the EVOLVE trial. His research interest focuses on thrombus imaging and the improvement of mechanical thrombectomy techniques.

    Perfusion imaging Post Thrombectomy: What’s the evidence for no reflow?

    The no-reflow phenomenon or impaired microvascular reperfusion despite successful reperfusion remains a significant challenge after endovascular treatment (EVT) of acute ischemic stroke. This phenomenon is associated with poor clinical outcomes and infarct growth despite the restoration of macrovascular blood flow (futile recanalization). Perfusion imaging plays a critical role in assessing tissue viability and microvascular integrity after EVT. Imaging biomarkers such as reduced cerebral blood volume/flow and prolonged Tmax may help detect no-reflow, reflecting microvascular obstruction, endothelial injury and inflammatory responses. However, challenges remain in standardizing imaging exams and interpreting perfusion imaging. Standardization of imaging protocols are needed to mitigate the impact of no-reflow and improve outcomes in stroke patients.

  • Wagih Ben Hassen, Sainte Anne Hospital - FR
    Wagih Ben Hassen

    GHU Paris Sainte Anne

    Address:  1 rue Cabanis – 75014 Paris - France

      Email: w.benhassen@ghu-paris.fr

    -    Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiologist in Sainte-Anne Hospital Paris
    -    Focus on Mechanical thrombectomy for acute stroke: Imaging Biomarkers – Therapeutic rials

    Perfusion imaging at cath lab

    At this roundtable we will discuss the new opportunities brought by the new-generation of angiographic tables, allowing immediate acquisition of flat panel CT perfusion imaging (FPCT-PI) after mechanical thrombectomy (MT). Perfusion imaging could help understanding acute stroke physiopathology, infarct evolution, immediate brain response after recanalization and detect eventual no-reflow phenomenon. It could also represent the new gold standard measurement tool for rating MT recanalization results.

  • Grégoire Boulouis, Clinical Investigation Centre of Tours - Technological Innovation, Regional University Hospital in Tours & Imaging, Brain, Neuropsychiatry (iBraiN) / INSERM, University of Tours - FR
    Grégoire Boulouis

    Clinical Investigation Centre of Tours - Technological Innovation, Regional University Hospital in Tours

    & Imaging, Brain, Neuropsychiatry (iBraiN) / INSERM, University of Tours

    Address:  Faculté de Médecine, 10 Boulevard Tonnellé 37032 Tours - France

     Email: g.boulouis@chu-tours.fr

    Pr Grégoire Boulouis is a clinician-scientist and interventional neuroradiologist at CHU Tours, France, affiliated with INSERM’s iBrain research unit (UMR1253) and CIC IT 1415. His expertise centers on adult and pediatric stroke. Trained in Lille, Paris, and at Harvard Medical School's Stroke Research Center, he actively participates in national and international stroke trials and leads multiple clinical research initiatives. A committed educator, he co-founded and chaired JENI, a collaborative research network for junior neuroradiologists. He holds leadership roles in the French Society of Neuroradiology,  the International Pediatric Stroke Organization and the European Stroke Organisation, contributes to national and international clinical trials. With over 300 peer-reviewed publications, his research focuses on translating neuroimaging advances into improved patient outcomes.

    The variety of vascular malformations, 3D visualization/models 

    Vascular malformations are complex anomalies requiring precise anatomical characterization for effective intervention. This talk explores the added value of 3D Cone Beam Computed Tomography and advanced visualization techniques, particularly cinematic rendering, for guiding direct puncture approaches in treating superficial vascular malformations.
    In low-flow vascular malformations, needle placement is typically guided visually or by ultrasound, with subsequent phlebography or cystography to characterize lesion anatomy and monitor sclerosant injection.  High-flow malformations present different challenges, with imaging revealing rapid arteriovenous shunts and dilated draining veins. Advanced imaging, including rotational 3D angiography, significantly aids therapeutic targeting. Sclerosants are administered through transarterial, transvenous, or direct puncture approaches, supported by precise anatomical mapping provided by CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography).
    In a recent work, we showed that CBCT significantly improved understanding of lesion architecture in 89.2% of cases and facilitated needle placement in 64.9% of interventions, particularly for complex cervical and ENT lesions.
    These findings highlight the clinical relevance of integrating 3D visualization technologies such as CBCT and cinematic rendering into routine interventional radiology practice, ultimately translating into enhanced patient outcomes and communication. Imaging exemple will be presented and discussed.

  • Tomas Dobrocky, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology - CH
    Tomas Dobrocky

    Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology

    Address:  Rosenbühlgasse 25, 3010 Bern, Switzerland

     Email: tomas.dobrocky@insel.ch

    Dr Tomas Dobrocky is a specialist in radiology with a focus on interventional neuroradiology and has been a senior physician at the Department of Neuroradiology at Inselspital, University Hospital, Switzerland since 2018. 

    As part of his specialization in the field of interventional neuroradiology, Tomas Dobrocky completed a fellowship at the Toronto Western Hospital in Toronto, Canada, under Prof Timo Krings & Prof Vitor Pereira, and at the Fondation Rothschild in Paris, France, under Prof Michel Piotin. 

    Among others, his research interests include diagnostic workup and minimally invasive treatment of patients with cerebrospinal fluid loss syndrome and perforator aneurysms. Dr Tomas Dobrocky's publication list includes more than 120 original papers, reviews and book chapters.

    Fusion Imaging to understand Diseases and targets for embolization

    Digital subtraction angiography provides excellent spatial and temporal resolution; however, it lacks the capability to depict the nonvascular anatomy of the brain and spinal cord. During the presentation cases in which a new integrated fusion workflow of cross-sectional imaging and 3D rotational angiography (3DRA) provided important diagnostic information and assisted in treatment planning will be presented. These will include acutely ruptured brain arteriovenous malformations, a small superficial brainstem AVM, a thalamic microaneurysm, and a spine AVM, where fusion was crucial for diagnosis and influenced further treatment. Fusion of 3DRA and cross-sectional imaging may help to gain a deeper understanding of neurovascular diseases. This is advantageous for planning and providing treatment and, most importantly, may harbour the potential to minimize complication rates. Integrating image fusion in the work-up of cerebrovascular diseases is likely to have a major impact on the neurovascular field in the future

    Perforator Aneurysms: Updates on current Imaging modalities and a call for action

    Cerebral perforators are end-arteries that vascularize specific deep territories in the cerebral hemispheres and brainstem. Due to improved imaging quality, these aneurysms are increasingly diagnosed in clinical routine. High resolution 3D angiographic images are mandatory and in some occasions fusion images might be helpful to detect these aneurysms. Basilar artery perforator aneurysms (or BAPAs) are one of the most common subtypes of perforator aneurysms and might cause subarachnoid hemorrhage along the brainstem (perimesencephalic hemorrhage).  Due to the limited evidence, the management of BAPAs may pose a challenge in clinical routine. While some aneurysms can be managed conservatively, a few might require treatment to prevent rebleeding. The current evidence on the topic will be presented during the talk to increase the awareness on these potentially underdiagnosed aneurysms.






  • Bart Emmer, Amsterdam University Medical Center - NL
    Bart Emmer

    Amsterdam University Medical Center

    Address:  Meijbergdreef 9, 1105AZ Amsterdam - The Netherlands

     Email: b.j.emmer@amsterdamumc.nl

    Dr. Bart Emmer, MD, PhD (m), is an interventional neuroradiologist in Amsterdam UMC and a board member of the subsection of neuroradiology of the Dutch society of radiology and Dutch delegate for the UEMS (Neuroradiology). He is the principal investigator of AIRBORNE, (Artificial Intelligence for early imaging Based patient selection in acute ischemic stroke), and CLEOPATRA, a healthcare evaluation study into the cost-effectiveness of CT perfusion in the selection of stroke patients for endovascular treatment. He is local investigator in several stroke trials (ESCAPE NEXT, CASES, MRCLEAN NO-IV, MRCLEAN MED, TECNO) and has been involved in MR CLEAN, BASICS, ECST-2, TESLA, TO-ACT and MR CLEAN LATE trial. He has authored more than 170 articles. (H-index of 34).

    Non-Contrast Flat-Panel CT After Thrombectomy

    Flat-panel CT (FPCT) in the angiography suite represents a significant advancement in post-endovascular thrombectomy (EVT) assessment for acute stroke patients. This technology eliminates the need for patient transport to conventional CT, reducing time-to-imaging from 30-45 minutes to 2-5 minutes. FPCT provides high spatial resolution imaging capable of detecting hemorrhagic complications with high sensitivity and specificity compared to conventional CT. Clinical applications include immediate assessment of hemorrhage, recanalization status, infarct evaluation, and device-related complications. Despite limitations in soft tissue contrast and artifacts, FPCT enables critical real-time decision-making that can impact patient management in- and outside the angio-suite. Implementation should require standardized protocols, basic staff training, and some form of quality assurance measures. Future developments include AI integration, possibly enabling automated detection of haemorrhagic complications, enhancement of image quality and quantitative assessment of recanalization and infarct volumes. By streamlining workflow and enhancing patient safety, FPCT technology has the potential to become an essential component of comprehensive stroke centres worldwide.

  • Kevin Janot, Regional University Hospital in Tours - FR
    Kevin Janot

    Regional University Hospital in Tours

    Address: Faculté de Médecine, 2 Boulevard Tonnellé 37034 Tours - France

     Email: kevin.janot@hotmail.com

    Consultant Neuroradiologist

    Good quality images will save your day: Complex cases

    High-quality imaging can be your best ally in the angiosuite. In this presentation, I will review a series of real-life cases where optimal image acquisition proved critical in guiding the operator’s understanding, decision-making, and therapeutic strategy adjustments.

  • Johannes Kaesmacher, Clinical Investigation Centre of Tours - Technological Innovation, Regional University Hospital in Tours - FR
    Johannes Kaesmacher

    Clinical Investigation Centre of Tours - Technological Innovation, Regional University Hospital in Tours 

    Address: Faculté de Médecine, 10 Boulevard Tonnellé 37032 Tours - France

     Email: j.kasmacher@chu-tours.fr

    Johannes Kaesmacher is a clinician-scientist (MD, PhD) and interventional neuroradiologist with a strong background in stroke treatment and clinical stroke research. After initial training in Munich, he is currently an Associate Professor at the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern and a Research Group Leader at the Stroke Research Center Bern. He also serves as an attending physician at the University Hospital Bern. His research focuses on adjuvant medical therapies and new imaging techniques during acute interventional stroke treatment. He has been actively involved in multiple large international randomized stroke trials, including SWIFT DIRECT and IRIS, and is the sponsor of the recently launched TECNO trial. One of his specific research interests is detecting residual perfusion deficits after acute procedures to enable more individualized decision-making during acute patient care. He is actively involved in university-level training and education and serves on several committees of European medical societies (e.g. European Stroke Organisation, ESO; European Society of Minimal Invasive Neurological Therapy, ESMINT).

    Perfusion Imaging in the Angio Suite: State of the Art

    Mechanical extraction of clots (“mechanical thrombectomy”) with specialized catheters has become the standard of care for treating stroke patients with a large-vessel occlusion. However, in more than half of the treated patients, remaining small vessel occlusions (e.g. due to clot fragmentation during the procedure) limit the benefit of this therapy. In current clinical routine, the detection of these small remaining vessel occlusions and the decision for further treatment by the operator is based on 2D angiographic images. This technique has several limitations, mainly due to its two-dimensional nature. Recently, a new imaging technique, with the possibility to acquire whole brain 3D time-resolved perfusion directly in the operating room was technically made possible (so called flat-panel detector computed tomography perfusion imaging, FDCTP). It can overcome the many limitations of 2D angiographic images, but processing algorithms and clinical validation are currently lacking. A currently running prospective project aims to develop, implement and validate FDCTP for evaluating brain reperfusion during acute interventional management of stroke patients. The talk will cover implementation, challenges and interpretation of contemporary state of the art FDCTP. Both, clinical examples and the outlook regarding research projects will be covered. 

  • Michael Manhart, Siemens Healthineers - DE
    Michael Manhart

    Siemens Healthineers 

    Address:  Siemensstrasse 1, 91301 Forchheim, Germany

    Email: michael.manhart@siemens-healthineers.com

    Dr. Michael Manhart graduated with a PhD in Computer Science from FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg in Germany in 2014, specializing in interventional perfusion imaging. Since 2015, he has been serving as an Innovation Project Manager at Siemens Healthineers, Advanced Therapies, where he oversees a broad range of innovation projects related to interventional imaging, with a particular focus on 3D imaging in interventional neuroradiology. In 2024, Michael advanced to the role of Principal Key Expert for Imaging and Visualization, continuing to drive forward cutting-edge developments in his field.

    DynaCT: Technical foundation, artifacts and acquisition protocols

    The syngo DynaCT journey began in 2004 when Siemens Healthineers launched the first cone-beam CT solution. This innovation significantly transformed treatment planning and delivery in the angio suite or Hybrid OR, eliminating time loss and additional patient risk. syngo DynaCT enables the verification of treatment success while the patient remains on the table, thereby reducing the need for re-interventions and re-operations. Since its inception, numerous 3D applications based on syngo DynaCT have been developed, further expanding its capabilities. This presentation explores the current state and future potential of 3D applications to confidently visualize the entire brain parenchyma and identify pathological anatomies using syngo DynaCT.

  • Marco Pasi, Regional University Hospital in Tours - FR
    Marco Pasi

    Tours University Hospital 

    Address:  2 Bd Tonnellé, 37000 Tours - France

     Email: marco.pasi@univ-tours.fr

    I completed my neurology residency in Florence, Italy, where I developed a strong passion for clinical neurology and stroke care. Following this, I pursued a research fellowship at the Hemorrhagic Stroke Research Center, Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, focusing on MRI markers of cerebral small vessel disease, particularly in the context of intracerebral hemorrhage. After my fellowship in Boston, I completed a clinical fellowship and a PhD at Lille University Hospital. My doctoral research focused on the long-term clinical outcomes of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage, deepening my expertise in this field. I am now Professor of Neurology and Head of the Stroke Unit at Tours University Hospital, France. From September 2025 I have the privilege to be the director of the University Training Center in Speech Therapy (CFUO) of Tours.
    Research Areas: Cerebral small vessel disease, intracerebral haemorrhage, cerebellar haemorrhage, cerebral amyloid angiopathy, covert brain infarction.


  • Eike Immo Piechowiak, Neuroradiology Bern Inselspital - CH
    Eike Immo Piechowiak

    Institutions: Neuroradiology Bern Inselspital

    Address:  Rosenbuehlgasse 25, 3010 Bern - Switzerland

     Email: eike.piechowiak@insel.ch

    PD Dr. med. Eike Immo Piechowiak is a specialist in radiology with a focus on diagnostic and invasive neuroradiology and has been head physician at the University Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology at Inselpital in Bern since 2020. 
    After studying medicine at the University of Freiburg, Germany, Eike Piechowiak completed his residency in radiology at the University Hospital Marburg, Germany, and at the Institute of Radiology at the Inselspital Bern. There he subsequently specialized in diagnostic and especially interventional neuroradiology under the direction of Prof. Jan Gralla.
    His main research interests are imaging and interventional therapy of spinal CSF leaks as well as minimally invasive treatment and diagnostics of ischemic stroke.
    Most significant achievement: Three wonderful children who keep me fit.

     Is it leaking or am I freakin’: Flat-Panel for the detection of CSF-venous fistulas

    Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension (SIH) due to a spinal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak is an increasingly recognized condition associated with clinically debilitating headaches and a significant impact on quality of life. 
    Spinal CSF leaks are categorized into three major types: Type I leaks consist of ventral dural tears, most commonly caused by discogenic microspurs. Type II leaks result from ruptures of dural nerve root sleeves, typically occurring along the inferior side of the sleeve. Type III leaks involve direct connections between the intrathecal compartment and epidural or intraforaminal veins, referred to as CSF-venous fistulas (CSFVF). 
    The cerebrospinal fluid venous fistula (CSFVF) was first described in 2014 and remains challenging to localize. This difficulty arises from the typically low flow into the fistula in conventional myelographic studies and the complexity of imaging acquisition timing. The optimal imaging technique for detecting these fistulas remains a topic of ongoing debate.
    Currently, three primary modalities are employed for their identification: digital subtraction myelography (DSM), computed tomography myelography (CT myelography), and flat-panel CT myelography (FP-CT myelography). With advancements in angiography systems, FP-CT myelography provides high spatial resolution and can be seamlessly integrated into routine dynamic myelographic protocols. The combined use of digital subtraction myelography and FP-CT within the same examination offers complementary advantages: DSM enables high temporal resolution, while FP-CT provides superior spatial resolution. This combined approach has the potential to significantly improve the detection rate of CSFVFs.

  • Eytan Raz, NYU Langone Medical Center - USA
    Eytan Raz

    NYU Langone Medical Center

    Address:  660 First Avenue 10016 New York - USA

     Email: eytan.raz@gmail.com

    Eytan Raz is an Assistant Professor at NYU Langone Medical Center in New York City, Director of Interventional Neuroradiology at Bellevue Hospital. After graduating from Sapienza University of Rome and obtaining a PhD degree, he completed the fellowship in Interventional Neuroradiology at NYU Langone Medical Center. He is the author of more than 200 publications in high impact factor, peer-reviewed journals such as JNIS, AJNR, Stroke, Radiology, JAMA. His fields of expertise include neurovascular anatomy, neurovascular diseases, brain aneurysms, dural fistulas and stroke. In 2020 he was appointed associate editor of S:VIN journal and Editor for AJNR.

    Micro 3D DSA for understanding anatomy: Clinical utility in non-shunting lesions 

    The aim of this talk is to describe the role of different variants of CBCT in multiple neurovascular conditions as a tool to improve the understanding of disease and guide therapeutic decisions. Multiple applications in different pathological conditions such as aneurysms, stroke, tumors will be described. HR-CBCT angiography, widely available, is uniquely useful in certain clinical scenarios to improve the understanding of disease and guide therapeutic decisions. It rapidly is becoming an essential tool for the contemporary neurointerventionalist.

    3D/4D Angios: Tips for acquisition, when to, a roadmap for the clinic

    The aim of this talk is to describe the role of different CBCT
    protocols applied in multiple neurovascular conditions as a tool to
    improve the understanding of disease and guide therapeutic decisions.
    Multiple applications in different pathological conditions such as
    aneurysms, stroke, tumors will be discussed. Discussion will include
    differentiation of the various protocol lengths and discussion of
    different contrast dilutions.


Monday 7 April 2025 - Basics and Stroke

  • 08:45 Welcome coffee & Registration
  • 09:15 Official Opening – Johannes Kaesmacher – (LE STUDIUM Visiting Researcher, University of Bern), Grégoire Boulouis – (CHRU Tours) & Sophie Gabillet (General Secretary of LE STUDIUM)

Basics & Technique

  • 09:30 Michael Manhart - DynaCT: Technical foundation, artifacts and acquisition protocols
  • 10:00 Aikaterini Anastasiou – Non-contrast Flat-Panel CT: Positioning, Radiation, Diagnostic Yield, SPINNERS
  • 10:30 Eytan Raz – Micro 3D DSA for understanding anatomy: Clinical utility in non-shunting lesions
  • 11:15 Coffee break
  • 11:45 Rene Chapot – 4D Angios for understanding brain arteriovenous malformations (ONLINE)
  • 12:15 Eytan Raz – 3D/4D Angios: Tips for acquisition, when to, a roadmap for the clinic
  • 12:45 Lunch buffet

Acute ischemic Stroke 

  • 14:00 Benjamin Gory  – “Direct to the Angio” : Evidence, organization of workflow, imaging (ONLINE)
  • 14:40 Bart Emmer – Non-Contrast Flat-Panel CT After Thrombectomy
  • 15:15 Coffee break
  • 15:45 Johannes Kaesmacher – Perfusion Imaging in the Angio Suite: State of the Art
  • 16:15 Fouzi Bala – Perfusion imaging Post Thrombectomy: Whats the evidence for no reflow?

Case studies

  • 16:45 Kevin Janot – Good quality images will save your day: Complex cases 
  • 17:15 Eike Piechowiak – Is it leaking or am I freakin’: Flat-Panel for the detection of CSF-venous fistulas
  • 18:00 Visit of the Domaine des Aubuisières wine cellar and wine tasting, followed by dinner at the Les Hautes Roches restaurant. Bus departure at 18:00 in front of the Town City Hall, returning to Tours train station around 23:00.

Tuesday 8 April 2025 – Case studies, shunting lesions and discussion

  • 09:00 Welcome coffee

Case studies

  • 09:30 Grégoire Boulouis – The variety of vascular malformations, 3D visualization/models 
  • 10:10 Tomas Dobrocky – Fusion Imaging to understand Diseases and targets for embolization
  • 10:50 Coffee break
  • 11:20 Tomas Dobrocky – Perforator Aneurysms: Updates on current Imaging modalities and a call for action
  • 12:00 Lunch buffet

Industry – Researchers – Physicians Roundtable 

  • 13:00 Marco Pasi, Wagih Ben Hassan, Johannes Kaesmacher – Perfusion Imaging
  • 13:45 Thomas Dobrocky, Grégoire Boulouis, Eytan Raz – Live Fusion imaging for Embolisation 
  • 14:45 Conclusion


Credits: Valery Rokhin - stock.adobe.com

Hôtel de Ville de Tours (Tours City Hall) 

Place Jean Jaurès - 37000 TOURS - FR

The event will take place in the city centre at the Hotel de Ville of Tours located in Square Jean-Jaures and very near the main train station. This elegant building was designed in the early 20th century by Victor Laloux, the architect of the Gare d'Orsay in Paris (now the Musée d'Orsay).  Its monumental stairs, paintings and sculptures make it a recommended place to visit. Participants will also have the opportunity to discover French cuisine and Loire Valley wines during an evening social.

 General Information

Congress Venue

 Hôtel de Ville de Tours (Tours City Hall), Place Jean Jaurès

37000 Tours, France


Monday, 7 April &  Tuesday, 8 April 2025


The official language of the Congress is English

Welcome pack and Name Badge

 Upon arrival you will receive a welcome pack that includes the printed material of the Conference and your name badge will be given to you at the reception . Please wear your name badge at all times during the Conference and to all official Conference events.

Invitation Letters
Invitation Letters

 An official letter of invitation facilitating the obtention of an entry visa can be sent upon request . In order to receive an invitation letter for visa purposes, send an email to maurine.villiers@lestudium-ias.fr. Please note that : 
- we only issue an official letter once the payment of the registration fee has been validated.
- such letters do not represent a commitment on the part of the Organisers to provide any financial assistance.

Certificate of attendance

 After the conference, in order to receive a certficate of participation, send an email to maurine.villiers@lestudium-ias.fr

How to get there ?

By train: 

* Tours centre station
 1.5 hour trip from Paris (Montparnasse)

 * Saint Pierre des Corps (4km from Tours town centre)
Bus 5, 20 minutes trip to Tours centre station


> Plan your trip by train: https://www.sncf-connect.com/en-en/

By car:

GPS: 47.3910171,0.68927
Please note that you can't park in front of the Hôtel de Ville.
Paid car parks nearby : 
Parking Gare, Place du Général Leclerc, 37000 Tours
Parking Tours Nationale, 5 rue Emile Zola, 37000 Tours

 By plane:

*Arrival at Roissy Charles De Gaulle (CDG) airport
Take RER B in direction to Saint Rémy Les Chevreuse, step out at Denfert Rochereau Stop
Metro 6 in direction to Charles de Gaulle Etoile, step out at Montparnasse Bienvenue Stop 

> Then take a train to Tours (see "by train" section above)

*Arrival at Paris-Orly (ORY) airport: 

Take Orlyval Shuttle from Aéroport d’Orly in direction Antony, step out at Antony Stop

Take RER B in direction to Mitry Clave, step out at Denfert Rochereau Stop

Take Metro 6 in direction to Charles de Gaulle Etoile, step out at Montparnasse Bienvenue Stop


> Then take a train to Tours (see "by train" section above)  

Partners of the event

Participate in this event