Globalization and growth in eurozone: new challenges
Hôtel Dupanloup
1 rue Dupanloup
45000 Orléans
The registration is closed !
In the last years, the eurozone got confronted with different severe challenges, such as: the financial and economic world crisis, so called the Great Recession (Global Financial Crisis) and Euro crisis (debt and banking crisis). Additionally, other challenges might affect, in the future, the eurozone economies through international economic transmission channels: the Middle East conflict with high implications on oil price or the Chinese economic rebound.
Within this framework, a specific attention can be devoted to the relation between globalization and growth with a specific focus on the EMU.
Both theoretical and empirical papers that deal with these research topics will be presented and discussed.
Main topics
Le Studium Conference is open to contributions from all areas of economic research. However, we especially encourage submissions related to the following topics:
Financial and Debt Crisis ; Globalization and Economic Asymmetries ; Fiscal Policy and Public Finance ; Banking and Finance ; International Trade; Labour and Capital Markets; Monetary and Financial Economics ; Commodities and Financial Markets ; Energy Economics ; Growth and Business Cycles ; International Macroeconomics and Monetary Policy
Pr Mihai Mutascu
LE STUDIUM/Marie Skłodowska-Curie Research Fellowship
FROM West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration - RO
IN RESIDENCE AT Laboratoire d'Économie d'Orléans (LEO), CNRS UMR 7322 - FR
Pr Camelia Turcu
Laboratoire d'Économie d'Orléans (LEO) - FR
Guest speakers
- Pr Dimitrios Asteriou, Oxford Brooks University - UK
- Pr Ansgar Belke, University of Duisburg-Essen - DE
- Pr Nauro F. Campos, Brunel University London - UK
- Pr Jarko Fidrmuc, Zeppelin University - DE
- Dr Christopher Hartwell, Center for Social and Economic Research - PL
- Pr Pierre-Guillaume Méon, Université libre de Bruxelles - BE
- Pr Daniel Mirza, University of Tours - FR
- Pr Nikolay Nenovsky, University Jules Verne of Picardie - FR
- Pr Friedrich Schneider, Johannes Kepler University of Linz - AU
Conference PROGRAM
Wednesday 27th September 2017
- 19h15 Ice-breaker Party – Wine & cheese cocktail at Hôtel Dupanloup
Thursday 28th September 2017
- 09h00 Welcome coffee & registration
- 10h00 Opening
Ioan Todinca, Alexis Direr, Camelia Turcu / LE STUDIUM - Sophie Gabillet, Mihai Mutascu |
- 10h30 Pr Dimitrios Asteriou - Oxford Brooks University - UK
Do Labour-Market Structures and Policies in Individual Countries Matter for the International Synchronization of Business Cycles? - 11h00 Pr Ansgar Belke - University of Duisburg - DE
Economic Recovery in a Diverging Monetary Union: Italy and the Euro - 11h30 Pr Nauro F. Campos - Brunel University London - UK
Rethinking Core and Periphery in the European Union - 12h00 Lunch
- 13h30 H2020 funding opportunities, Marine Alalinarde (Cellule Mutualisée Europe Recherche - CMER)
- 14h00 Maxime Menuet - University of Orleans, LEO - FR
Does Overconfidence Drag Out War? - 14h30 Dr Aviral Kumar Tiwari - Montpellier Business School - FR
Causality between PPI-CPI-Exchange Rates in Romania: A Frequency Domain Approach - 15h00 Dr Fabien Labondance - Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté –
CRESE and OFCE - Sciences Po Paris - FR Central Bank Sentiment and Policy Expectations - 15h30 Alexander Schlösser - University of Duisburg-Essen - DE
The Effects of Economic Policy Uncertainty on European Economies: Evidence from a TVP-FAVAR - 16h00 Coffee-break and Poster Session
Papers included in the poster sessions:
- 16h30 Pr Jorge Braga de Macedo - Center for Globalisation and Governance Nova School Business and Economics - PT
Globalization, Democracy and Development - 17h00 Svetlana Rujin – RWI, Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, Ruhr UniversityBochum - DE
Dynamic Responses of Labor Input to Technology Shocks: Evidence from a Panel BVAR with Sign Restrictions - 17h30 Dr Isabelle Rabaud - University of Orleans, LEO - FR
Migration Impacts on Bilateral Trade in Services - 18h30 Pr Pierre-Guillaume Méon - Université libre de Bruxelles - BE
L’Euro: une Question Politique? (Public Lecture in French) - 20h00 Gala dinner (Restaurant Le Lift, Orléans)
Friday 29th September 2017
- 09h00 Pr Jarko Fidrmuc - Zeppelin University - DE
Business Cycle Synchronization in a Currency Union: Taking Stock of the Econometric Evidence - 09h30 Dr Christopher Hartwell - Center for Social and Economic Research - PL
The More the Merrier? The Reaction of Euro Area Stock Markets to New Members - 10h00 Pr Pierre-Guillaume Méon - Université libre de Bruxelles - BE
Do Democratic Transitions Attract Foreign Investors and How Fast? - 10h30 Coffee-break & Poster session
- 11h00 Dr Yannick Lucotte - University of Orleans, LEO - FR
Competition and Credit Procyclicality in European Banking - 11h30 Dr Maria Siranova - Institute of Economic Research, Slovak Academy of Sciences - SK
Getting the Measures of Trade Misinvoicing Right: Bilateral Panel Data Approach - 12h00 Pr Mihai Mutascu - Le Studium & University of Orleans, LEO - FR & Pr Camelia Turcu - University of Orleans, LEO - FR
Trade Openness and Business Cycle Synchronization in Eurozone: a Wavelet Approach - 12h30 Lunch
- 14h00 Pr Daniel Mirza - University of Tours - FR
- Open Border Policies and the Exit of Migrants: Theory and Quasi-Natural Experiments from EU and Schengen Agreements
- 14h30 Pr Nikolay Nenovsky - University Jules Verne of Picardie - FR
The Balkans and Europe - Exploring Long Term Monetary History and Relations - 15h00 Conclusion
Note: in each session
The registration fee includes all lunches, coffee breaks, gala dinner and social events. It doesn’t include travel and accommodation expenses. All participants to the conference have to register. Paper submission is not regarded as a registration.
Participant | 150 EUR |