Integration of ethnobotany, phytochemistry and biological activity studies in the design of phytocosmetic formulations
Hôtel Dupanloup
1 rue Dupanloup
45000 Orléans
The study of traditional plant knowledge as a part of human-plant relationships is known as ethnobotany. Natural resources are of great importance in the development of new cosmetic products. Ethnobotanical research carried out in Türkiye made it possible to record traditional uses to collect certain kinds of plants widely used for cosmetic purposes by the local people to verify their identification and store them in the herbarium of Altınbaş University, Faculty of Pharmacy (HERA). During this project, the identification of plants in the herbarium, their extraction, and various biological activity tests for cosmetic purposes as well as the measurement of their cytotoxicity on different skin cell lines took place at the Natural Products R&D center, Altınbaş University. The phytochemical composition of the most promising extracts studied at the Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry (ICOA) in Orléans. The laboratory is at the cutting edge of technology and has internationally renowned expertise in the analysis of natural substances for cosmetic use. The final objective of this study will thus be, based on traditional uses, but by explaining these uses through the analysis of the chemical composition of the extracts as well as the study of their activities on skin cells to develop new cosmetic active ingredients.
LE STUDIUM Visiting Researcher
FROM: Altınbaş University - TR
IN RESIDENCE AT: Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry (ICOA) / CNRS, University of Orléans - FR