Ion channel signaling in health and disease
Ion channels and Calcium signaling fulfill the most critical functions in all eukaryotic cells. They underlie electrical signals central to sensory, cognitive, cardiac, endocrine and exocrine functions. They mediate critical signal transduction pathways that touch every aspect of life, from development, muscle contraction, secretion, release of neurotransmitters, hormones, metabolic activity, gene transcription, memory, pain sensation, fertilization, cell differentiation, cell migration and programmed cell death. This meeting will showcase the latest insights and discoveries in the field of ion channels and Ca2+ signaling in particular.
This is a rapidly evolving area of research, which has a high translational impact as a diverse array of diseases are causally linked to disruptions in ion channel activities. In fact, gain and loss of function of ion channels is directly linked to diseases ranging from neuronal, cardiovascular, immune, kidney and endocrine diseases to various types of cancer. Ion channels, also offer significant potential as targets for personalized therapies due to their considerable functional and structural diversity.
Mohamed Trebak, LE STUDIUM Visiting Researcher
FROM University of Pittsburgh - USA
IN RESIDENCE AT Niche, Nutrition, Cancer & Oxidative metabolism (N2COX) / INSERM, University of Tours - FR
Marie Potier-Cartereau & Chistophe Vandier
Niche, Nutrition, Cancer & Oxidative metabolism (N2COX) / INSERM, University of Tours - FR