New Inorganic Functional Oxides: Synthesis, Characterisation and Simulations

October 04, 2023 - October 06, 2023

Hôtel Dupanloup
1 rue Dupanloup
45000 Orleans


The development of inorganic oxides with new compositions and crystal structures is needed to meet many modern technological challenges, such as those linked to energy storage and conservation. Increasingly, progress is being driven by developments in both synthesis and prediction methodologies, providing new ways to access and isolate new materials with a maximum of efficiency and, where possible, with optimised functional properties.

In this context, the conference aims to bring together scientists interested in fundamental aspects of new materials discovery and development including synthesis, prediction, structures and properties of new ceramics and glass-ceramics with potential functional properties. Topics will cover:

  • Innovative synthesis methods for ceramics and glass-ceramics
  • New compositions, crystal structures and microstructures
  • Advanced structural characterisation techniques from unit cell to the nanoscale
  • Prediction- and/or data-enhanced workflows for new materials discovery
  • Emergence of new or enhanced functional properties



Dr Alberto José Fernández Carrión
FROM Guilin University of Technology - CN   
IN RESIDENCE AT Extreme Conditions and Materials: High Temperature and Irradiation (CEMHTI) / CNRS - FR

Dr Michal Korenko
FROM Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences - SK  
IN RESIDENCE AT Extreme Conditions and Materials: High Temperature and Irradiation (CEMHTI) / CNRS - FR

Dr Mathieu Allix & Dr Michael J. Pitcher  
Extreme Conditions and Materials: High Temperature and Irradiation (CEMHTI) / CNRS - FR

Confirmed speakers

Click on the name to display the abstract

  • Dr Victor Castaing, Institute of Materials Science of Seville - SP
    Dr Victor Castaing
    Institute of Materials Science of Seville
    Address: Calle Americo Vespuccio, 49, 41093, Seville - SP
    Phone: (+33) 630879398

    Convinced of persistent phosphors beauty and potential for state-of-the-art nanotechnologies, Victor joined the Institute of Materials Science of Seville (Spain, 2020) to focus on their elaboration as thin transparent coatings and their optical environment modifications. He hopes that this transversal approach will boost afterglow as to allow him spending the longest time as possible in cool and dark rooms, waiting for afterglow to vanish.

    Wet-deposition of nanophosphor particles: an alternative method to obtain translucent films with original optical properties.

    Persistent phosphors, typically rare earth- or transition metal-doped inorganic oxides, are unconventional materials featuring unique delayed and long-lasting luminescence also known as afterglow. Apart from their current commercial use as bulk powders for design and night signalization, the unique afterglow they feature rise increasing interest for emerging nanotechnologies. Indeed, processing persistent phosphors as thin transparent films allows designing advanced anticounterfeiting tags with high security level. In this context, thin translucent persistent phosphor films were prepared following wet deposition of precursor gels and colloidally stable nanoparticles. Syntheses and thin film processing methods were optimized not only to render homogeneous and translucent coatings but also to maximize afterglow emission. Thanks to deposition method flexibility as well as layer transparency, optical environment of persistent phosphor films have be modified in a controlled manner, allowing both enhancement and modifications of their properties without altering their composition. Indeed, our approach allowed obtaining coatings with remarkable time-dependent chromaticity, enhanced number of collected afterglow photons as well as energy storage speed-up. Our transversal approach offers promising opportunities towards the conception of persistent nanophosphors with intense and original properties, key features for designing dynamic anticounterfeiting tags.

  • Dr Fabio Denis Romero, Institut Néel - FR
    Dr Fabio Denis Romero
    Institut Néel
    Address: 25 Avenue des Martyrs
                     38000 Grenoble
    Phone: +33 6 15 67 42 23

    Fabio Denis Romero did his doctoral work at the University of Oxford with Professor Michael Hayward on the Topochemical Synthesis of Novel Electronic Materials. He then did postdoctoral work at the University of Liverpool (UK) and the University of Kyoto (Japan). He is currently a CNRS researcher at the Institut Néel in Grenoble, France, working on the synthesis and characterisation of novel oxide and mixed anion materials.

     Ca2MnO3X - Oxyhalides with 1-dimensional ferromagnetic chains of square planar S = 2 Mn3+

    Mixed anion materials are those in which more than one anionic species coexist in a single phase. The different characteristics such as charge, ionic radius, electronegativity, and polarizability, as well as the local structure of heteroleptic coordination polyhedra provide additional degrees of freedom with which to prepare materials with novel, important, or useful emergent properties. However, the synthesis of such materials presents unique challenges. In particular, a significant size difference between the anionic species will strongly favour a layered arrangement.
        Here we present the synthesis and characterisation of Ca2MnO3X (X = Cl, Br) in which the particular coordination requirements of the cationic species results in a novel structure type containing 1-dimensional chains of square planar Mn3+ cations. These materials show long-range magnetic order at low temperature, with ferromagnetic chains coupled antiferromagnetically through the halide anions, and metamagnetic transitions under applied fields.

  • Dr Matthew Dyer, University of Liverpool - UK
    Dr Matthew Dyer
    Materials Innovation Factory, Leverhulme Research Centre for Functional Materials Design,
    Surface Science Research Centre and Department of Chemistry, University of Liverpool
    Address: Crown St, Liverpool, L69 7ZD, UK
    Phone: +44 151 7946747

    MSD received an MSci from the University of Cambridge and then a PhD under Ali Alavi in the quantum modelling of H transport through crystalline materials. As a PDRA with Mats Persson at the University of Liverpool he used DFT to study the adsorption of molecules on metal surfaces. In the group of Matt Rosseinsky he computationally modelled bulk crystalline oxides with applications in photocatalysis and fuel cells. He developed the University’s first crystal structure prediction package and expanded his research to other chemistries and to materials with widely varying applications. As a lecturer, MSD continues to apply computational modelling at the atomistic scale to better understand materials and to aid material discovery. He is using machine learning alongside computational chemistry to accelerate the discovery of new functional materials.

     The Liverpool Materials Discovery Server: Background and Application

    Computational tools continue to be designed and implemented to aid the discovery of new materials. The utilization of these tools is limited if they are only accessible to computational researchers with relevant technical skills. True advances in material discovery can only be made if these tools are also made easily available to experimental researchers.
    In this talk I will present the recently released Liverpool Materials Discovery Server. This web-based server is accessed through a normal web-browser, enabling use of a variety of computational tools with applications in solid-state inorganic chemistry. I will demonstrate the tools, which include the ability to search databases for all entries with compositions which are similar to a queried composition; to predict lithium ion and thermal conductivity from composition alone; to predict the porosity of a metal organic framework for a given linker and metal; and to visualize and fit heat capacity data. I will also summarize some of the scientific advances behind the tools, including the use of the earth movers’ distance to quantify the similarity between two compositions and the compilation of a database of validated experimentally lithium ion conductivities.
    We hope that the LMDS will be both a useful resource for material scientists and a helpful example to computational researchers of how computational advances can be made available to the wider research community.

  • Dr Franck Fayon, Extreme Conditions and Materials: High Temperature and Irradiation (CEMHTI) / CNRS - FR
    Dr Franck Fayon
    Extreme Conditions and Materials: High Temperature and Irradiation (CEMHTI) / CNRS - FR
    1D av. De la Recherche Scientifique, 45071 Orléans, France
    Phone: (+) 33 238 255 525

    Dr. Franck Fayon (PhD, 1998 University of Orléans) is research director at CNRS in the CEMHTI laboratory located in Orléans. His research focuses on the development and application of advanced solid-state NMR methods to material chemistry. He has a long standing experience in the study of oxide glasses and related metastable materials using solid-state NMR. He is currently deputy director of the CEMHTI laboratory.

    The SMARTER approach to understand the structures and properties of new inorganic materials

    While the resolution of crystalline phase structures was mainly based on diffraction techniques (X-rays, neutrons, electrons), the introduction of the SMARTER crystallographic approach has brought a new dimension to the description of complex structures by combining diffraction, solid-state NMR and ab-initio modeling methods [1]. In this talk, the potential of the SMARTER approach for characterizing the structures of novel inorganic materials will be illustrated through several examples including low thermal expansion phosphate materials [2], transparent polycrystalline ceramics [3], new oxide ion conductive materials [4] or nonstoichimetric YAG ceramics with modified luminescence properties [5]. 
    [1] L. Beitone et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 125, 1912 (2003), [2] F. Fayon et al., Chem. Mater. 15, 2234 (2003), [3] K. Al Saghir et al., Chem. Mater. 27, 508 (2015), [5] X. Yang et al., Nature Comm. 9, 4484 (2018), [6] W. Cao et al, Adv. Func. Mat. 33, 2213418 (2023).

  • Dr Alberto José Fernández Carrión, Guilin University of Technology - CN
    Dr Alberto José Fernández Carrión

    Guilin University of Technology 
    Address: College of Materials Science and Engineering, Guilin University of Technology, Guilin 541004, P. R. China.
    Phone: (+)86 15078343086

    AJFC obtained his B.S. in Chemistry from the University of Seville (Spain) in 2009, followed by an M.S. degree in Materials Science in 2011 and a Ph.D. degree in Materials Science in 2014, both from the same university, under the supervision of A. Becerro. After completing his Ph.D., he worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the CEMHTI laboratory (CNRS-Orleans, France) for 2 years under the guidance of M. Allix and C. Bessada. He then conducted research as a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Limoges (Limoges, France) for one year (with G. Delaizir). In 2018, he joined Guilin University of Technology to conduct research in Prof. X. Kuang’s laboratory. His research interests broadly lie in the solid-state chemistry of metal-oxide ceramics with electrical (ion conductors) or optical (transparent ceramics and phosphors) properties.

    Oxide Ion-Conducting Materials Containing Tetrahedral Moieties: Crystal Structures and Conduction Mechanisms

    Solid-state oxide ion conductors are key for technology applications, particularly in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) where they enable efficient conversion of chemical energy into electricity. To achieve high current densities and oxide ion conductivity for SOFCs, materials with oxide ion conductivities above 10-2 S cm-1 at intermediate temperatures (500-600°C) are required. High oxide ion mobility depends on specific crystal structural features, with oxide ion conduction occurring through defects like vacancies or interstitials in crystalline materials. Thus, understanding the stabilization of these defects and the underlying mechanisms of oxide ion conduction is crucial for designing new materials that can operate at lower temperatures.
    In this contribution, I will present a set of ion-conducting compounds that contain tetrahedral moieties in their crystal structure. The interest in these compounds lies in the flexibility of tetrahedral units, which promotes oxide ion transportation. Emphasis will be devoted to examining these materials and gaining a comprehensive understanding of the role of tetrahedral units in oxide ion migration. This understanding is essential for revealing prospects for enhanced electrolytes in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) and related devices. This endeavour will provide insights into the critical factors driving rapid oxide ion conduction



  • Dr Gilles Frapper, IC2MP / CNRS, University of Poitiers - FR
    Dr Gilles Frapper
    IC2MP / CNRS, University of Poitiers - FR
    4 rue M. Brunet 86077 Poitiers
    Phone: (+33) 05 49 45 35 74

    Gilles Frapper was born in Saint-Cado, south Bretagne. He studied chemistry at Rennes U. (PhD in Applied Quantum Chemistry 1996). Since 1997, he is at Poitiers University, having previously held research positions at NRC Ottawa and Georgetown U. in Washington D.C. He taught introductory chemistry, and he (still) enjoys teaching theoretical chemistry and material sciences. His primary research focus is to comprehend the atomic arrangements in molecular and solid-state compounds in conjunction with their properties. He specializes in the field of Computational Materials Discovery, predicting bidimensional systems and bulk materials under pressure. Nowadays, he combines evolutionary (genetic) algorithms, machine-learning interatomic potentials and quantum mechanics calculations to design new materials with specific properties and applications.

    When Darwin meets Mendeleev: predicting materials from evolutionary algorithms and first-principles calculations.

    Using numerical simulation to determine the crystal structure of a compound, based on the sole knowledge of its chemical composition, is a major challenge in materials science. The task is far from trivial: it involves identifying the lowest-energy structural arrangement from among millions of possible structures. To illustrate this challenge, the arrangement of twenty atoms in a box - a repeating lattice of variable shape and volume - can a priori generate more than 1021 possible structures that lie on the potential energy surface (PES). If it took 1 hour of computing time to numerically determine the energy associated with each optimized structure, the computing time required would exceed the age of the universe...   The problem is therefore: how to access the lowest energy well (global minimum on the PES) while monopolizing a minimum of computational resources? 

    This talk will discuss a self-learning method for exploring the PES of a crystalline compound, an evolutionary (genetic) algorithm combined with DFT calculations. I will briefly outline the conceptual foundations of this CSP algorithm, which is based on the concepts of the Darwinian evolutionary theory. I will then illustrate its use by presenting some recent results from work carried out in my Applied Quantum Chemistry group: the exploration of the Xenon-Nitrogen binary phase diagram under pressure (0-100 GPa), and the prediction of two new nitrogen allotropes, with 2D crown-like and 3D chlathrate-like networks.


  • Dr Romain Gautier, Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel - FR
    Dr Romain Gautier
    Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel
    Address: 2 Chemin de la houssinière, 44322 NANTES
    Phone: +33 2 40 37 63 34

    Romain Gautier is a CNRS research scientist at the Institut des Matériaux de Nantes Jean Rouxel. His expertise lies in the synthesis and structural characterization of new functional inorganic and hybrid materials for optics. He received his Ph.D. in 2010 from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes and then joined Northwestern University for a postdoc. In recent years, he has employed Machine Learning approaches to assist and accelerate the discovery of new materials. He is the recipient of the CNRS Bronze medal and the National Chinese Award of the "1000 Young Talents Program."

    Machine Learning Assisted Discovery of Photoluminescent Materials

    The design of photoluminescent materials with specific characteristics is a complicated task as very small modifications in the chemistry or crystal structure of materials can have drastic effects on the optical properties. Thus, the presence of dopants/defects in very low concentrations combined with different phenomena (reabsorption, energy transfer, …) make, in most cases, optical properties difficult to predict prior to synthesis and characterization. 
    In this context, we use machine learning approaches to guide the discovery of materials with white-light emission for applications in solid-state lighting. In this talk, different families of materials doped with rare earth metal ions ((CaMg)x(NaSc)1–xSi2O6:Eu2+, Li2BaSiO4:Eu,Ce, …) will be presented. Such materials can exhibit broad or narrow band light emissions and relatively high photoluminescence quantum yields. Machine learning tools were used to identify the key experimental parameters to design phosphors with specific photoemission colors.


  • Dr Houria Kabbour, Catalysis and Solid Chemistry Unit, University of Lille / CNRS - FR
    Dr Houria Kabbour

    Catalysis and Solid Chemistry Unit, University of Lille / CNRS

    Dr. Houria Kabbour integrated the CNRS in 2008 as a researcher at UCCS (University of Lille-France) laboratory in the field of solid-state chemistry where she obtained her HDR in 2016. For her postdocs, she joined in 2005 during two years the Materials Science department of the California Institute of Technology, then the Max Planck Institute for solid state research before integrating the CNRS in 2008. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Nantes (IMN) in September 2005. She uses a combined approach involving both ab initio simulations and experiments for the prediction, band gap engineering, elaboration and characterization of functional inorganic compounds, with emphasize on mixed anion systems, with a broad panel of properties including magnetism and optical properties.

    Functional materials from mixed anion: band gap and local symmetry engineering

    The design of functional materials based on mixed anions appeared in recent years as one of the most promising routes to control and exacerbate numerous properties such as visible light photocatalysis, magnetism, non-linear optical properties, thermoelectricity, etc.… The interplay between multiple anions allow finer band gap engineering (band gap width, bands dispersion at the CBM and VBM …). Furthermore, different types of anions surrounding the same metal cation can lead to enhanced acentric character which can have great impact on the properties (non-linear optical properties, charge carrier’s separation …). Here, we will preset original inorganic phases of this type elaborated and studied by combining experiments and ab initio simulations. Through several new structural types in oxychalcogenides and other more complex mixed anion compounds (involving dichalcogenide pairs and/or triple anion lattices), we will discuss the possibility to tune the symmetry and engineer the band gap to control optical-related properties.


  • Dr Stéphanie Kodjikian, Institut Néel - FR
    Dr Stéphanie Kodjikian
    Institut Néel - CNRS
    Address: 25 rue des Martyrs
    38 000 Grenoble
    Phone: (+33) 04 76 88 74 24

    Stéphanie Kodjikian specialized in transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and crystallography during her doctoral work on superconducting oxides (Crystallography Laboratory, CNRS Grenoble). She then broadened her skills to metallurgy (CEA Grenoble) and to biology (University of Poitiers), before joining the Laboratory of Oxides and Fluorides (Le Mans University).
    In 2011, she joined the Néel Institute (CNRS Grenoble) to take responsibility for the TEM activity, and carry out structural or microstructural studies to understand the origin of specific properties in materials science. She specialized in electron crystallography, particularly in low-dose 3D electron diffraction methods.
    Since January 2023, she has led the “optics and microscopy” technical team at the Néel Institute.

    Transmission electron microscopy in materials science: advances in electron crystallography

    Transmission electron microscopy has long occupied a place of choice in the study of new materials, because its possibilities for multi-scale characterization are often essential for the detailed understanding of a sample. 
    In recent decades, the field of application of transmission electron microscopy has further increased thanks to crucial technical advances, both in the performance of microscopes (e.g. spherical aberration correctors, pixelated detectors, beam precession, cryogenics, specific sample holders) as well as in sample preparation techniques (e.g. Focused Ion Beam, cryogenics). New characterizations are now possible: studies of structural properties up to the Angstrom scale including on sensitive samples, chemical mapping at the atomic scale including for light elements, measurements of physical properties on nanometric samples, etc… 
    The first part of the presentation will consist of a non-exhaustive review of the possibilities offered by transmission electron microscopy in materials science; the second part will be devoted to 3D electron diffraction methods for structure solution and refinement, particularly applied to materials sensitive to the electron beam.



  • Prof. Abbie Mclaughlin, University of Aberdeen - UK
    Prof. Abbie Mclaughlin
    University of Aberdeen
    Address: Department of Chemistry, University of Aberdeen, Meston Walk, Aberdeen, AB24 3UE
    Phone: (+) 44 1224272924

    Abbie Mclaughlin is a Professor at the Department of Chemistry, University of Aberdeen. She received her PhD from the University of Cambridge in 2002 and moved to the University of Aberdeen in 2003 where she was awarded a Royal Society of Edinburgh personal Fellowship. She followed this up with a Leverhulme Trust Early Career fellowship and secured a lectureship at the University of Aberdeen in 2009. 
    She is interested in the synthesis and design of new ceramic electrolytes. She is currently investigating hexagonal perovskite derivatives that exhibit both high oxide and proton conductivity. She uses a combination of electrical measurements, neutron diffraction and advanced modelling techniques to develop structure property relationships which can then facilitate the design of new materials.

    Dual ion conductivity in hexagonal perovskite derivatives

    Solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) and proton ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) offer a viable option to produce clean energy from sustainable resources, with low emission of pollutants, fuel flexibility and high energy conversion rates. New materials, which exhibit high ionic conductivity (≥ 10 mS cm-1) at intermediate temperatures (< 600 °C), are sought for the next generation of ceramic fuel cells. Such fuel cells will be more cost-effective and have greater longevity. We have recently discovered significant oxide ion conductivity in the hexagonal perovskite derivative Ba3NbMoO8.5 and high oxide ion and proton conductivity at 500 °C in the hexagonal perovskite derivative Ba7Nb4MoO20. In particular, Ba7Nb4MoO20 exhibits proton conductivity of 4.0 mS cm-1 at 500 °C, comparable to doped cubic barium cerate and zirconate perovskites, alongside excellent chemical and electrical stability making it attractive for practical applications. The structural features that enable high oxide ion and/or proton conductivity in hexagonal perovskite derivatives will be revealed.

  • Dr Julia Payne, University of St Andrews - UK
    Dr Julia Payne
    School of Chemistry, University of St Andrews
    Address: North Haugh, St Andrews, Fife, UK.  KY16 9ST
    Phone: (+)441334 46 3800

    Dr Payne was awarded her MChem in 2007 by the University of Warwick and her PhD in 2011 by Durham University (under the supervision of Prof. Ivana Evans).   Following this, she worked as a PDRA in the groups of Prof. Ivana Evans (Durham University, 2011-2012), Prof. Matthew Rosseinsky (University of Liverpool, 2012-2014) and Prof. John Irvine (University of St Andrews, 2014-2018).  In January 2019 Dr Payne took up a position as an independent Research Fellow in Energy Materials in the School of Chemistry at the University of St Andrews.  Dr Payne’s research spans a broad range of energy materials and she is particularly interested in using in-situ and operando techniques to link structure with properties.  

    Synthesis, Characterisation and Properties of Oxides for Energy Applications

    As countries across the word reduce their reliance on fossil fuels, new materials are required for both energy conversion.  These materials find use in devices such as batteries, fuel cells and solar panels.  Here, we report some of our latest work on materials for batteries and photovoltaics.  We will discuss how small changes in the chemical composition of inorganic polyanionic materials can influence properties such as ionic conductivity and battery performance. 


  • Dr Matthew Suchomel, Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux / CNRS - FR
    Dr Matthew Suchomel
    Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux (ICMB)/ CNRS
    Address: 87, Avenue du Docteur Schweitzer
    33608 Pessac, FRANCE
    Phone: (+)33 (0)5 40 00 26 50

    Matthew Suchomel is a chargé de recherche at the ICMCB laboratory of the CNRS. His research is based on topics of fundamental solid-state chemistry, frequently approached via non-conventional synthetic routes. This work often focuses on structure-property connections using laboratory and synchrotron-based X-ray scattering methods. He obtained his PhD at the University of Pennsylvania, followed by a postdoctoral position in the chemistry group of Prof. Rosseinsky at the University of Liverpool.  Subsequently, before joining the CNRS, he was a synchrotron staff scientist at the Argonne National Laboratory, responsible for the powder diffraction beamline (11-BM) of the Advanced Photon Source. He has a fellow of the ICDD and as co-authored more than 80 publications with 4000 citations.

    Advanced X-ray scattering methods to guide fundamental structure-property explorations in inorganic chemistry

    The exploration of new materials and fundamental studies of their structure-property connections are essential in technological innovation. This talk will highlight how advanced X-ray scattering methods can be used to provide unique insight for both tasks; in particular concerning the investigation of inorganic oxides by unconventional solid-state processing routes which can expand accessible phase spaces in order to access metastable compositions and structures.  Examples of this approach using both laboratory and synchrotron-based X-ray methods will be presented.  Though the use of total X-ray scattering (PDF) type measurements, both short and average long-range structural order details can be examined. This powerful technique, until recently only practically performed at large scale user facilities, is now a quotidian laboratory-based tool (with the appropriate tools and expertise).  Its effectiveness to help understand property changes driven by structural polymorphism in metal-oxide materials obtained via supercritical and/or low temperature synthesis routes will be discussed. Despite new advances in lab-based tools, synchrotron X-ray scattering remains an extremely valuable structural probe, in particular for in-situ and operando measurements.  Recent examples, as applied to inorganic oxide materials for electrochemical energy storage, both from the point of view of non-conventional synthesis and operando cycling performance, will also be presented.

  • Dr Louisiane Verger, Rennes Institute of Chemical Sciences - FR
    Dr Louisiane Verger
    Rennes Institute of Chemical Sciences
    Address: Université de Rennes, Campus de Beaulieu - Bât. 10B
    35042 Rennes Cedex - France
    Phone: (+) 33 2 23 23 33 87

    Louisiane Verger received her PhD in Physics and Chemistry of Materials from the University Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris, France) in 2015. She joined the Institute of Condensed Matter Chemistry of Bordeaux (France) as a postdoctoral researcher for 18 months. She then joined in 2017 Drexel University (Philadelphia, USA) as a postdoctoral researcher. She belongs to the CNRS as a researcher since 2019. Her research activity is focused on non-oxide chalcogenide glasses and glass-ceramics for optical and energy storage applications. She is currently exploring mechanochemistry to obtain new ion conducting glasses for solid state electrolytes.

    Using mechanochemistry to explore new sodium conducting glasses and glass-ceramics.

    Sulfur-based glasses are attracting growing interest as solid-state electrolytes because of their high ionic conductivity compared to their oxide counterparts, and their mechanical properties. They are classically synthesized by the melt quenching method in silica tube. However, this process poses problems of safety, scalability, cost and limits the glass compositions available, due to the reactivity of alkali with silica. An alternative to high-temperature syntheses and solvent-based processes is the use of mechanical milling techniques. In this talk, we show how mechanochemistry can be used to extend the glass forming domain in the Na2S-Ga2S3 pseudo binary and the Na2S-Ga2S3-GeS2 pseudo ternary. The conductivity properties and structure of these new Na and Ga-rich glasses are discussed. Crystallization tests are also performed to obtain glass-ceramics in these systems, and crystalline NaGaS2 is obtained by annealing the glass above its glass transition temperature. This new NaGaS2 synthesis route offers significant advantages over the state-of-the-art: the synthesis temperature is lowered by about 50 %, it is a solvent-free route and a large quantity of material can be synthesized. Although the ionic conductivity measured for NaGaS2 is not high enough for a candidate for solid-state electrolytes, this compound holds great promise for a variety of applications due to its layered structure and ion-exchange properties.


DAY 1 - Wednesday 04th October 2023

  • 12:30    Welcome lunch & registration                
  • 14:00    Official Opening - Catherine Bessada (Director of CEMHTI) & Sophie Gabillet (General Secretary of LE STUDIUM)              

SESSION 1 - Chairmen: Michal Korenko and Matthew Dyer                    

DAY 2 -Thursday 05th October 2023  

  • 09:15    Welcome coffee                

SESSION 2 - Chairmen: Michael Pitcher and Romain Gautier                    

SESSION 3 - Chair(wo)men: Alberto Fernandez Carrion and Julia Payne                    

DAY 3 - Friday 06th October 2023  

  • 09:15    Welcome coffee                

SESSION 4 - Chair(wo)men: Mathieu Allix and Louisiane Verger                    

Oral presentations & posters

Abstracts for oral presentation and poster should be submitted before Wednesday 6th September 2023.

Please upload your abstract during the registration or send it before the deadline to

The number of oral presentations is limited, convenors will process a selection and confirm your presentation not later than Friday 8th September 2023.

Please note that we do not print the posters, but racks & pins will be provided for up to A0 sizes, portrait format.


Hotel Dupanloup


Hôtel Dupanloup : 1, rue Dupanloup - 45000 ORLEANS - FR

The conference venue is unique. Located right next to the Orléans’ cathedral, the episcopal palace of Orléans, built between 1635 and 1641, locally known as the Hôtel Dupanloup, is a classical French building which served until 1905 of residence to the bishops of Orléans.  Since 2014, the renewed palace hosts the International University Center for Research and Le Studium Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies.

Participants will be welcomed in this exceptional surrounding, blending Middle Age and Renaissance cultures with modern design and will have the opportunity to discover French cuisine and wines.

How to get there ?

By train: 

* Orléans centre station
 1.5 hour trip from Paris (Austerlitz)

 * Les Aubrais station (4km from Orleans town centre)
Tramway A, 10 minutes trip to Orléans centre station

> Plan your trip by train:

By car:

GPS: 47.90243, 1.91179
Please note that you can't park in the courtyard in front of the Hotel Dupanloup.
Paid car parks nearby : 
Parking Cathédrale, Rue Saint-Pierre Lentin, 45000 Orléans
Parking Hôtel de Ville, 4 Rue Fernand Rabier, 45000 Orléans

 By plane:
*Arrival at Roissy Charles De Gaulle (CDG) airport
Take RER B in direction to Saint Rémy Les Chevreuse, step out at Gare du Nord Stop
Take Metro 5 in direction to Place d'Italie, step out at Gare d'Austerlitz Stop 
> Then take a train to Orléans (see "by train" section above)
*Arrival at Paris-Orly (ORY) airport: 
Take RER C from Pont de Rungis – Aéroport d’Orly in direction to Pontoise.
Step out at Gare d'Austerlitz Stop
> Then take a train to Orléans (see "by train" section above)  

General Information

Congress Venue

 Hôtel Dupanloup, 1 rue Dupanloup

45000 Orléans, France


Wednesday, 4 October - Friday, 6 October 2023


The official language of the Congress is English

Welcome pack and Name Badge

 Upon arrival you will receive a welcome pack that includes the printed material of the Conference and your name badge will be given to you at the reception . Please wear your name badge at all times during the Conference and to all official Conference events.

Invitation Letters
Invitation Letters

 An official letter of invitation facilitating the obtention of an entry visa can be sent upon request . In order to receive an invitation letter for visa purposes, send an email to Please note that : 
- we only issue an official letter once the payment of the registration fee has been validated.
- such letters do not represent a commitment on the part of the Organisers to provide any financial assistance.

Certificate of attendance

 After the conference, in order to receive a certficate of participation, send an email to


List of recommended Hotels in Orléans


List of recommended Restaurants in Orléans

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