Technology-based multidisciplinary cooperation and its applications for improving well-being

June 12, 2023 - June 14, 2023

IUT de Chartres
1, place Roger Joly
28000 Chartres




The aim of the conference is to present the latest research and scientific developments in biomedical and health technologies together with their applications to clinical practice and biomedical education. It will also offer the opportunity to bring together, exchange and inspire scientific collaborations between fields of research that are related to biomedical research and the physical and mental well-being of patients with neurodegenerative diseases. Topics of interest include but are not limited to: biomedical signal processing, sensors and wearable systems, therapeutic technologies, health informatics, data-driven diagnostic systems, technologies for autonomous and independent living of people with neurodegenerative diseases, rehabilitation engineering, etc.

As organizers of the TEMUCO 2023 conference as well as researchers from the ATHENA alliance members, we are working hard to offer you a scientific and social program for that will be remembered as a memorable moment of research collaboration and social interaction.

This Workshop is organised in the framework of the Advanced Technology Higher Education Network Alliance (ATHENA European University)


Dr Michel Haritopoulos
PRISME Laboratory, University of Orléans, INSA CVL  - FR

Dr Philippe Ravier
PRISME Laboratory, University of Orléans, INSA CVL  - FR

Dr Olivier Buttelli
PRISME Laboratory, University of Orléans, INSA CVL  - FR

Confirmed speakers

Click on the name to display the abstract

  • Dr Argyroula Kalaitzaki, Hellenic Mediterranean University - GR
  • Dr Khadija Gourrame, PRISME laboratory, University of Orléans - FR
  • Prof. Julius Griskevicius, Vilnius Tech - LT
  • Dr Marina Makri, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki & Greek Association of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders- GR
  • Dr Juliana Moreira, Polytechnic Institute of Porto - PT
  • Prof. Andreia Sousa, Polytechnic Institute of Porto - PT
  • Prof. Paulo Veloso Gomes, Polytechnic Institute of Porto - PT
  • Prof. Perla Werner, University of Haifa - IL




Chartres University Institute of Technology (IUT de Chartres)

1, place Roger Joly 28000 Chartres - France


Located at the crossroads of 3 dynamic regions (Ile-de-France, Centre-Val de Loire, Normandy) and only 1 hour from Paris, the Chartres IUT is located in the city centre near the train station and various amenities (transport, culture, sports facilities, CROUS facilities, etc.).

The IUT has more than 6000 m² of premises entirely dedicated to scientific and technological education. These facilities range from the lecture room to the practical room, including the amphitheatre and the language laboratories.




The registration is FREE, but mandatory for the ATHENA members

(Including one lunch, two dinners and the coffee breaks)

ATHENA member       0 EUR
Public institutions 150 EUR
Students & PhD Scholars 75 EUR




Day 1: Monday, 12th June 2023 

  • 13:00 Welcome lunch & registration (Teachers' room, 1st floor)
  • 14:00 Official opening 

Session 1: Biomechanics and rehabilitation: from early disease marker’s - Part 1

Chair: Griškevičius Julius Griškevičius / Co-Chair: Paulo Veloso Gomes

  • 14:30 Prof. Paulo Veloso Gomes - The use of Biofeedback Virtual Reality Environments in Mental Health Therapies - Self-regulation Behaviours and Empathy Construction
  • 15:15 Dr Khadija Gourrame - Exploring Parkinson’s disease rehabilitations: Virtual reality-Action Observation training in focuss
  • 16:00 Coffee break
  • 16:30 Prof. Andreia Sousa - Research challenges in rehabilitation sciences: searching for a common language between rehabilitation, biomechanics and neuroscience
  • 17:45 City tour with Train of Chartres - Departure in front of the cathedrale
  • 19:30 Social dinner - Bistrot Racines

Day 2: Tuesday 13th June 2023 

  • 09:30  Welcome coffee

Session 2: The empowered project: enhancing self-management of elders with chronic diseases

Chair :  Perla Werner  / Co-Chair: Argyroula Kalaitzaki

  • 10:00 Dr Marina Makri - Mobile Game for Cognitive Skills Development and Concept Teaching for Adults with Intellectual Disabilities (Mild and Moderate Intellectual Disability, Mild Cognitive Impairment, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down Syndrome)
  • 10:30 Dr Argyroula Kalaitzaki - The “Empowered” project: Enhancing self management of chronic diseases
  • 11:00 Coffee break
  • 11:30 Prof. Perla Werner - Is dementia worry always bad?
  • 12:00 Magda Tsolaki - Natural Products and cognitive disorders
  • 12:30 Lunch

Session 3: Biomechanics and rehabilitation: from early disease marker’s - Part 2 

Chair: Griškevičius Julius Griškevičius / Co-Chair: Paulo Veloso Gomes

  • 14:00 Prof. Julius Griškevičius - Data-driven biomechanics: model-based systems for clinical decision support. Applications in diagnostics, rehabilitation and teaching
  • 14:45 Dr Juliana Moreira - Aiomechanical determinants for disability in older adults - the potential of biomechanical assessment in the early detection of disease markers
  • 15:30 Round Table
  • 16:00 Guided visit of the city centre
  • 19:30 Social dinner - L’ Amphitryon

Day 3: Wednesday 14th June 2023

Session 4:  Tools And Technology For Human Motor System Monitoring

Chair: Andreia Sousa

  • 09:00 Dr Philippe Ravier - Characterizing Parkinson’s disease using EMG fractional linear prediction
  • 09:30 Prof. Aleš Holobar - Hybrid neural interfaces and their potential applications for improving wellbeing
  • 10:15 Coffee break
  • 10:00 Dr Olivier Buttelli - Ecological monitoring of motor dysfunction for Parkinsonian disease
  • 11:15 Conclusion

Partners of the event