Towards Futuristic Energy Storage; paving its way through Supercapacitors, Li-ion batteries and beyond
Hôtel de Ville de Tours
Place Jean Jaurès
37000 Tours
The conference will start on Wednesday 22nd January at 09:00 and end on Friday 24th at noon.
This international conference organized by LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced will focus on basics aspects as well as most recent advances in Li-ion, Beyond Li-ion batteries (e.g. Li-S, Na batteries) and supercapacitors. The Conference will cover different topics linked to these technologies including materials synthesis and characterization, interfacial phenomena, systems and materials optimization and modeling. Leading scientists and researchers will share their recent progress and stimulate discussions on interdisciplinary electrochemical storage.
The program of the conference will include plenary lectures, keynote lectures, invited talks, orals and a poster session.
Participants will have the opportunity to register while submitting an abstract for an oral or a poster.
A posters session will be organized during the conference with an award for the best poster.
This international conference is organised in the framework of the ARD 2020 Lavoisier Programme.
- Anodes and cathodes in Li-ion batteries and Beyond : Synthesis, characterization, modeling
- Electrolytes in Li-ion batteries and beyond : Liquid, solid, and gel
- Supercapacitors: materials and devices, hybrid materials and hybrid supercapacitors
- Characterization techniques (device and materials) : in situ and operando characterization
- etc.
- Dr Arunabh Ghosh, LE STUDIUM Research Fellow / ARD 2020 LAVOISIER Programme
FROM: Tata Steel Advanced Materials Research Centre - IN
IN RESIDENCE AT: Physical Chemistry of Materials and Electrolytes for Energy (PCM2E) / University of Tours - FR - Prof. Fouad Ghamouss,
Physical Chemistry of Materials and Electrolytes for Energy (PCM2E) / University of Tours - FR
(Including two lunches, a Wine & Cheese cocktail and the coffee breaks)
Private institutions | 250 EUR |
Public institutions | 180 EUR |
Students & PhD Scholars | 75 EUR |
Social dinner | 60 EUR |
Confirmed speakers
- Prof. Khalil Amine, Argonne National Laboratory & Stanford University - US (biography)
- Dr Philippe Azais, CEA Grenoble - FR (biography)
- Prof. François Beguin, Poznań University of Technology - PL (biography)
- Prof. Robert Dominko, National Institute of Chemistry - SI (biography)
- Prof. Kristina Edström, Uppsala University - SE (biography)
- Prof. Elżbieta Frąckowiak, Poznań University of Technology - PL (biography)
- Prof. Claudio Gerbaldi, Politecnico di Torino - IT (biography)
- Prof. Patrik Johansson, Chalmers University of Technology - SE (biography)
- Prof. Shinichi Komaba, Tokyo University of Science - JP (biography)
- Dr Bernard Lestriez, IMN, University of Nantes - FR (biography)
- Dr Rongying Lin, Solvionic - FR (biography)
- Dr Laure Monconduit, ICGM, CNRS, University of Montpellier - FR (biography)
- Prof. Petr Novák, Paul Scherrer Institute & ETH Zürich - CH (biography)
- Dr Alexandre Ponrouch, ICMAB-CSIC - ES (biography)
- Prof. Teofilo Rojo, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU - ES (biography)
- Dr Gwenaëlle Rousse, Sorbonne University / Collège de France - FR (biography)
Advisory board
- Prof. François Beguin, Poznań University of Technology - PL
- Prof. Michael Deschamps, CNRS, University of Orleans - FR
- Prof. Claudio Gerbaldi, Politecnico di Torino - IT
- Prof. Fouad Ghamouss, PCM2E, University of Tours - FR
- Dr Arunabh Ghosh, PCM2E, University of Tours, LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies - FR
- Prof. Patrik Johansson, Chalmers University of Technology - SE
- Prof. Daniel Lemordant, University of Tours - FR
- Dr Alexandre Ponrouch, ICMAB-CSIC - ES
Local Committee
- Fouad Ghamouss, PCM2E, University of Tours - FR
- Johan Jacquemin, PCM2E, University of Tours - FR
- John Abou-Rjeily, PCM2E, University of Tours - FR
- Guillaume Ah-Lung, PCM2E, University of Tours - FR
- Ilias Douhiri, PCM2E, University of Tours - FR
- François Tran Van, PCM2E, University of Tours - FR
Oral presentations & posters
Abstracts for oral presentation and poster should be submitted before Monday 25th November 2019. Please upload your abstract during the registration or send it before the deadline to
The number of oral presentations is limited, convenors will process a selection and confirm your presentation not later than Friday 29th November 2019.
Please note that we do not print the posters, but racks & pins will be provided for up to A0 sizes, portrait format.
Please download the template for oral presentation.
Please download the template for poster presentation.
Best poster awards
Jérôme Bodart |
Spray-dried K3V(PO4)2 and K3V(PO4)2/carbon as new |
Angelica Laurita |
Surface characterisation of Ni-rich positive electrode material for |
Justine Touja |
Lithium anode protection for |
Credits: Valery Rokhin -
Hôtel de Ville de Tours (Tours City Hall)
Place Jean Jaurès - 37000 TOURS - FR
The event will take place in the city centre at the Hotel de Ville of Tours located in Square Jean-Jaures and very near the main train station. This elegant building was designed in the early 20th century by Victor Laloux, the architect of the Gare d'Orsay in Paris (now the Musée d'Orsay). Its monumental stairs, paintings and sculptures make it a recommended place to visit. Participants will also have the opportunity to discover French cuisine and Loire Valley wines during an evening social.
Wednesday January 22nd 2020
- 09:00 Welcome coffee and registration
- 09:45 Official opening
- 10:00 Prof. Khalil Amine - Advanced lithium-ion and beyond for electric vehicle applications
- 10:45 Prof. Kristina Edström - Some insights paving the way for new battery chemistries
- 11:30 Dr John Abou-Rjeily - Facile solid-state synthesis technique using natural manganese dioxide (β-MnO2) as a precursor for several cathode materials synthesis implemented in LIBs and NIBs
- 11:45 Seongkoo Kang - Evidence for protons stabilized in layered-type structure: Application to aqueous proton batteries
- 12:00 Lunch
- 13:30 Dr Laure Monconduit - The ways to make Si an effective electrode material for Li-ion batteries
- 14:10 Jianhan Xiong - Optimization of Si/Gr based anode formulation for high energy density Li-ion batteries
- 14:30 Dr Alexandre Ponrouch - Ca metal anode-based battery: On the impact of passivation layer and cation solvation structure
- 15:10 Antonio Scafuri - A non-nucleophilic fluorinated alkoxyborate based electrolyte for rechargeable Ca batteries
- 15:30 Prof. Mouad Dahbi - Facile Synthesis of Nanoparticles Titanium Oxide as High-Capacity and High-Capability Electrode for Lithium-ion Batteries
- 15:50 Coffee Break + Poster session 1
- 16:15 Prof. Ismael Saadoune - Electrochemical behavior of Na2/3Co1-yMyO2 (M: Ti, Ni, Mn) electrode materials for sodium-ion batteries
- 16:35 Laura Caggiu - Na-based systems as potential candidates Na-Ion-Conductors for Sodium secondary batteries
- 16:55 Dr Alexey Koposov - Microscaled crystalline silicon: the challenge for Li-ion batteries
- 17:15 Abdelwahed Chari - A High Energy Density New Phosphate-Based Material for Sodium Ion Batteries
- 17:30 Prof. Teófilo Rojo - Developments in Na technologies: pathways to progress
- 18:30 Public lecture in French: Dr Dominique Guyomard - Le stockage de l’énergie électrique : applications, technologies et challenges
- 20:00 Wine & cheese cocktail - Tours City Hall
Thursday January 23rd 2020
- 08:15 Welcome coffee
- 08:30 Prof. Petr Novák - In Situ and Operando Techniques for Characterization of Interfaces and Interphases in Lithium-Ion Batteries
- 09:10 Dr Gwenaëlle Rousse - Li-ion batteries materials: the use of powder diffraction
- 09:50 Ludivine Afonso de Araujo - Lithium plating in Li-ion batteries by operando 7Li Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
- 10:05 Dr Bernard Lestriez - Binder based on coordination chemistry to improve the electrochemical performance of Si electrodes
- 10:45 Coffee Break
- 11:05 Prof. Shinichi Komaba - High-energy design of Na- and K-ion batteries as “Beyond Li-ion”
- 11:45 Gabriele Lingua - Innovative single-ion conducting solid electrolytes for safe, high performing energy storage devices
- 12:00 Dr Pierre Alexandre Martin - Structure and interactions in localized highly concentrated electrolytes for rechargeable calcium batteries
- 12:15 Lunch
- 13:30 Prof. François Béguin - Internal hybridization of electrodes: an elegant way to enhance the energy stored in electrochemical capacitors
- 14:10 Guillaume Ah-lung - Optimization and synthesis of manganese dioxide with different morphologies and structures for aqueous supercapacitors operating at high voltage
- 14:25 Dr Alain Pénicaud - From Food Waste to Supercapacitors and Non Precious Metal Electrocatalysts for the Oxygen Reduction & Evolution Reactions
- 14:45 Mathieu Deschanels - Electrochemical evidence of the modification of carbon materials with anthraquinone moiety by a Diels Alder process
- 15:00 Prof. Patrik Johansson - Pure, Hybrid and Polymerized Ionic Liquid Based Electrolytes: From Fundamentals to Application
- 15:40 Coffee Break + Poster session 2
- 16:20 Prof. Robert Dominko - Multivalent organic batteries
- 17:00 Dr Rongying Lin - Ionic liquids-based electrolytes for next generation energy storage devices
- 18:00 Guided visit of the city centre - Departure from the City Hall
- 19:30 Social dinner - Restaurant La Cave
Departure by bus from the Municipal Library
Friday January 24th 2020
- 08:15 Welcome coffee
- 08:30 Prof. Elżbieta Frąckowiak - Key role of electrolyte in electrochemical capacitors
- 09:10 Prof. Thierry Brousse - Pseudocapacitive multicationic oxides
- 09:35 Dr Camélia Ghimbeu - Any match between the carbon pore size induced by salt template and the electrolyte size in electrochemical capacitors?
- 10:00 Coffee Break
- 10:30 Dr Maria Ángeles Moreno Fernández - Flat-shaped carbon-graphene microcomposites for high energy supercapacitors
- 10:45 Dr Ahed Abouserie - Hybrid Electrolyte for all Solid-State Fluoride-Ion Batteries
- 11:00 Prof. Claudio Gerbaldi - Hybrid polymer electrolytes based on UV cross-linked polymer matrixes for solid-state batteries operating at ambient temperature
- 11:40 Dr Philippe Azais - A Critical Overview of electrochemical energy storage for automotive industry: state of the art to main future trends
- 12:20 Poster award and conclusive remarks
Lunch box distribution