Dr Carmen Díaz Orozco

In residence at
Host scientist
Dr Brigitte Natanson
Participation of women and nations under construction in Latin America in the nineteenth century: the commitment of Mariquita Sánchez and Juana Manso in education in Argentina
As part of the project "Participation Feminine and Nations in Construction in Latin America of the Nineteenth Century" carried by the Remélice laboratory of the University of Orleans, the research that I lead today intends to analyze the educational project of the Argentineans Mariquita Sánchez (Buenos Aires, 1786-1868) and Juana Manso (Buenos Aires, 1819-1875), two outstanding intellectuals of the nineteenth century, who played a key role in the formation and development of women's school education in their country. These two women contributed to the establishment of a free and compulsory education and, in the case of Juana Manso, a secular and mixed education. It was to defend the notion of inalienable right for all layers of the social body as a whole, according to the principles of the emerging nation, at a time - the first half of the nineteenth century - when female education was the privilege of an extremely small group of society. The purpose of this project is, in particular, to select, compile and translate the writings of these two intellectuals, in two separate volumes, the establishment of a critical edition of their complete works, as well as the creation of a website bilingual, able to offer French-speaking public interested in the nineteenth Latin American, access to first-hand and valuable materials, inaccessible to this day in the French academic world. The relations between these new materials and their context will be approached according to the theory of intertextuality proposed by Mikhail Bakhtin and reformulated by Gerard Genette; this theoretical approach will shed light on the system of passions and phobias that the controversial personalities of Sánchez and Manso, their literary production and their actions, aroused in the cultural life of their time.
Final reports
In agreement with the research project proposed to Le Studium, our work consisted in the development of the following aspects: 1. - Tracking and compilation of biblio-hemerographic materials at the BNF; 2. - Selection and analysis of Juana Manso's corpus of materials; 3. - Organization of two scientific events; 4. - Attendance, as speaker, at a scientific event; 5.- Writing of two book chapters; 6. - Organization of the volume Forjar miradas. Imagen y cultura visual en la América latina del siglo XIX. Iberoamericana Vervuert (in progress) and, 7. - At the request of the Scientific Relations Manager of Le Studium, design of the research proposal "Regarder au XIXe. Panoptisme et culture visuelle.”.