Soumis par sergey.samsonov le mar 14/02/2023 - 08:47
Date of Birth
Pôle-Chimie- University of Orléans
ICOA – UMR 7311 “Institut de Chimie Organique et Analytique”

Rue de Chartres
45067 Orléans Cedex

Organic synthesis
Collaborator role
Prof. Chrystel Lopin-Bon has been appointed assistant professor in 2003 at the Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry (ICOA) in Orleans. Since 2013, she leads the team “glycosaminoglycans” at ICOA and she was appointed full Professor in 2019. Her research is focused on organic synthesis and she is internationally recognized in the field of synthesis of complex oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates (chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, linkage region of proteoglycans). In particular, she synthesized a large collection of size-defined chondroitin oligosaccharides from easily available CS polymer. More recently, she was interested in the synthesis of modified glycosides. She has been scientific leader in various regional and national projects (APR-IA, ANR BLAN) and she was the coordinator of several national projects (2 LABEX, 1 ANR JCJC and 1 ANR PRC). She supervised 6 PhD students, 2 post-docs, 2 technicians and more than 17 M1 and M2 and 30 undergraduates. She is the author of 37 peer-reviewed publications, one patent, one book chapter and co-author of five textbooks. CLB was a elected member of the commissions (CFVU and CAC) of University of Orleans. She is currently a nominated member of Comité National de la Recherche Scientifique (CoNRS) section 12 and an elected member of the UFR-ST council. She is a member of the RTR-MotivHealth (Région Centre-Val de Loire) and GDR GAGoSciences.
Hosting of Sergei Samsonov in CEPR in Tours would be also a good opportunity for the team of Chrystel LOPIN-BON in Orléans. Indeed, CLB and FL recently obtained a national grant (ANR) focused on the study of chondroitin sulfates (CS)-cathepsin K (Cat K) interactions. The unique expertise of Sergei Samsonov in molecular docking and molecular dynamic of GAGs for better understanding interactions between GAGs and various macromolecules could be of interest in our project. Moreover, his visit could be an opportinity to developp new projects based on other CS-protein interactions.