She received the PhD degree in Biomedical Engineering in France. She is currently a full professor in Engineering with the University of Angers, France. Her research interests include signal and image processing, mainly multiscale and entropy-based analyses, and data-driven methods. Her main applications are related to the biomedical field. She is associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, for Frontiers in Network Physiology - Information Theory, Causality & Control, and for the Engineering Medicine and Biological Society Conference. She is member of the editorial board for the journal Entropy and area editor on Signal Processing for the IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology. She is also member of the IEEE-EMBS Technical Community on Cardiopulmonary Systems and Physiology-based Engineering. She has been guest editor for special issues in journals as Entropy, Complexity, and Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine.
Review of some entropy methods with biomedical applications
In this presentation, we will first introduce the concept of irregularity and complexity for time series and images. Then, an overview of the most recent entropy algorithms proposed to assess irregularity of signals will be given. A general view of the entropy-based measures for texture analysis of images will also be proposed. Afterwards, the algorithms of some of these entropy measures for time series will be detailed on synthetic data. An extension to bi-dimensional and tri-dimensional data will also be proposed. For each case, we will see examples of application in the biomedical field.

University of Angers - FR