AGENDA Doctoral Schools


📅 Date  🎤 Speaker Title 🎓 Thematic 💒 Location

Dr Lauren Beckingham (ISTO)

Prof. Thomas Shea (ISTO)



🔸 Multi-scale observation and simulation of mineral reactions in subsurface energy systems 

🔸 Timing the transit of magma under volcanoes using crystal ‘clocks’

Earth, Ecology and Environmental sciences Museum Orléans for Biodivesity and Environment (MOBE), Orléans

Karol B. Barragán-Fonseca & Umberto Diecinove (IRBI)

Alison Bennett (IRBI)

Eduardo Garcia Ribeiro Lopes Domingues (MSH VdL)

🔸 Insects as Superheroes in Sustainable Agrifood Systems: A Multidisciplinary Perspective

🔸 How do soil microbes influence plant attraction of insect herbivores and/or parasitoids of herbivores?

🔸 Integrating rural development into urban planning: the Right to the City as a tool for discussing and implementing Ecological Transition

Earth, Ecology and Environmental sciences



Human and Social Sciences

Insect Biology Research Institute (IRBI), Tours

Lindy Holden-Dye (ISP)

John Cooper (CESR)


🔸 Catching flies with worms

🔸 Monarchy on the Move: Performing Kingship in Renaissance England and France

Life & Health Sciences


CESR, Tours

Giulia Cozzani (LPC2E)


Ganesh Duraisamy (PRISME)


Ali Soltani (CEDETE)


Anna Steward (CBM & ESAD)


🔸 From Solar Storms to Aurorae: The Role of Magnetic Reconnection

🔸 Low and Zero-Carbon Fuels: Transforming Combustion Engines for a Sustainable Future

🔸 Amenities and the Labor Market: Drivers of Internal Migration

🔸 Quantum Record - Contact with the Other: Initialising a Chiral Handshake between Terrestrial and Extraterrestrial Microorganisms


Earth, Ecology and Environmental sciences

Materials and Energy sciences


Human and Social Sciences

Human and Social Sciences

Hôtel Dupanloup, Orléans

Johannes Kaesmacher (CIC)



Carlo Bosi (CESR)



Rajendra Kumar (PRC)


🔸 PeRfusiOn Post tHrombEcTomy (PROPHET) - A technical development and clinical validation project

🔸 The Chansonnier de Bayeux : An Early 16th-Century Monophonic Source and its Polyphonic Relatives 

🔸 Transgenic mouse models to study follicle-stimulating hormone receptor (FSHR) function in reproduction

Life & Health Sciences

Human and Social Sciences

Life & Health Sciences



📅 Date  🎤 Speaker Title                                                                                                                                          🎓 Thematic                                    💒 Location          
27/03/2025 Dr David Giron Manger des insectes, est-ce l'avenir? Earth, Ecology and Environmental sciences Hôtel Dupanloup, Orléans