She is a Food Engineer with doctorate in Food Engineering. She was a visiting researcher at University of Orleans (ICOA). She is currently a full professor at the Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering at the University of São Paulo, Head of the Department and Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Food Engineering (PPGEA). She is a supervisor at PPGEA and a member of the International Master Program at University of Bordeaux (UFR of Pharmaceutical Sciences). She is a reviewer for several scientific journals with a safe editorial policy. Develops research in food engineering processes, with systems that use supercritical carbon dioxide and pressurized liquid extraction, working mainly on topics relating to optimization of green processes to obtain natural extracts.

Processes that employ green technology to obtain extracts for use in functional foods and cosmetics

The sustainable development goals (SDGs) agreed by 193 United Nations member states establish a new concept of development. The objectives to be achieved by 2030 aim to eradicate poverty, protect the environment and ensure that people live well. The 17 SDGs are interconnected and, in addition to eradicating poverty (SDG 1) and eradicating hunger (SDG 2), these actions aim to ensure well-being for all, at all ages (SDG 3), building resilient infrastructure, industrialization inclusive and sustainable development by promoting technological innovation (SDG 9), protecting and promoting the sustainable use of ecosystems, combating soil degradation, protecting forests and halting the loss of biodiversity (SDG 15).
When we talk about producing natural extracts using clean and green technology, we are addressing SDGs 3, 9 and 15, as we employ technological innovation in the sustainable production of natural extracts. When active principles from forest plants are discovered, we begin to protect them, encouraging their maintenance. Furthermore, new extracts without residues of organic solvents are being generated with the purpose of use in food, pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. In this context, I will present the concepts and operational of two extraction processes that use health-safe and renewable solvents applied to obtain natural extracts (Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Pressurized Liquid Extraction). And finally, Microbiorefinery as a new concept of industrial production.

Alessandra Lopes de Oliveira
University of São Paulo (USP) - BR
Address: FZEA/USP, Av. Duque de Caxias Norte, 225, Jdim. Elite, Pirassununga, SP, Brasil, CEP: 13635-005
Phone: (+)55 19 992113200
University of São Paulo - BR