I am an ethnobotanist, studying and promoting of plants and traditions in Africa, particularly in Burkina Faso. I record and promote oral knowledges like traditional medicine.
I am working with cosmetics companies to establish sustainable vegetal suply chains. This includes searching for plants with cosmetic potential, as well as addressing legislative and logistical aspects to facilitate local development actions. 
I attach great importance to respect for people and nature. I was one of the founders of the International Forum Africa and Beauty, in 2004 with Mr Patrice ANDRE. I also carry local development actions thanks to funding from my partners in cosmetics, which support training initiatives, the construction of buildings, equipment, scholarships, etc.

Interest of the ethnobotanical method in establishing sustainable plants supply chains for cosmetics in Burkina Faso

We will present Burkina Faso, a Sahelian country with strong potential for ethnobotanical studies and the development of traditional cosmetic supply chains, through ethnobotanical methods.

We present several species who leads to cosmetic active ingredients, explaining their traditional uses, phytochemical studies and efficacy tests and present sustainable supply chains:
-    Baobab Oil and Fruit powder, Greentech SA
-    Papaya leaves, Esprit d’Ethique
-    Acacia seeds, Laboratoires Expanscience
-    Mango Tree leaves, Givaudan
-    Anogeissus bark, Givaudan
We integrate good harvesting, drying, packaging practices, training in the management f local associations. Our approach emphasizes importance of quality and safety, while respecting both the local populations and environment. We take into account both local and international legislations, implementation of certain certifications (Organic, UEBT, active or in progress).

Finally, we will discuss local development actions financed by cosmetic partners from France for Burkina Faso, which constitute a significant aspect of my work, taking into account needs of local partners and many actions concerning the study and protection of Nature.

As a conclusion, we will highlight the demonstrated interest of ethnobotany and the potential of Sahelian plants for cosmetics, including the establishment of balanced and sustainable partnerships with external companies, respectful of socio-economic and environmental aspects.

Marc Olivier

Sama Bioconsult Developpement - BF

BP 1323 Bobo Dioulasso
Email: oliviersama@yahoo.fr
Phone: (+) (226) 76 60 97 80 / + (33) 6 08 56 37 94
Sama Bioconsult Developpement - BF