
     Associate Professor in Plant Physiology,

     Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, SP

     Research Interests:  Plants ecology, environment, pathology, molecular biology,
     forest ecophysiology


Rosana López is an Associate Professor at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in Madrid, Spain. Her research experience has been extensively focused on forest species adaptation to drought, interaction between drought and Dutch elm disease and to the improvement of the resin tapping sector in southern Europe. She has strengthened her training in forest ecophysiology and particularly in plant hydraulics and forest decline in two centers of research excellence, the Hawkesbury Institute for the Environment of the Western Sydney University (Australia) and INRA Clermont-Ferrand (France) where she was working as Marie Curie fellow for three years. 

She has published numerous papers in journals included in the JCR, book chapters and participated in European, national and regional research projects, achieving high-quality standards. Her involvement in teaching and mentoring, review duties and examination boards exemplify her strong commitment to giving service to the science community. She combines scientific research with capacity-building and dissemination of research results to stakeholders for conservation and use of genetic resources. She is expanding her research interests and lines through a multidisciplinary approach with experts in pathology, molecular biology, modelling and other aspects of forest ecophysiology. The ultimate goal is to provide scientists and managers with information that helps predicting and mitigating the impact of climate change and land use on forests.