Thomas Höche's research interests concern nanostructuring of inorganic materials as well as their characterisation using cutting-edge techniques of microstructure diagnostics. Special emphasis is laid on the development of novel, laser-based approaches to specimen preparation, the fabrication of polymer-based microoptics, and the accelerated development of glasses and glass ceramics fostered by accompanying micro- and nanostructure characterization. Having a background in physics, he is heading the department Optical Materials and Technologies at Fraunhofer IMWS, has authored ca. 230 peer-reviewed papers, holds more than 65 patents.

Microstructure of Glasses and Glass Ceramics – What Can We Expect From Advanced Methods?

The microstructure of glasses and glass ceramics can be extremely complex as is the relation of the microstructure to macroscopic properties. 
Cutting edge tools for the characterisation of the microstructure can help assessing their chemistry, valency, coordination, and 3D element distribution.
Using various compositions, it will be exemplified how the development of materials can be accelerated using new methodologies that have only recently have become available.

Thomas Höche

Fraunhofer IMWS

Address: Walter-Hülse-Straße 1, 06120 Halle, Germany

Fraunhofer IMWS - DE