Controlling polymer self-assembly through polymer chain chemistry and processing towards tunable nanostructured polymer thin films

October 03, 2024 - 16 h 00

Hôtel Dupanloup
1 rue Dupanloup
45000 Orléans


Self-assembly of polymer materials provides a cost-effective route to preparation of materials with well-defined nanostructures (1-100 nm). Due to their ability to self-assemble, block copolymers are a particularly useful and important class of materials utilized in a wide range of applications including photonic crystals, ion conducting membranes, microfluidics, drug delivery, sensors, and nanoporous membranes, and templates for the organization of nanodots and nanowires. However, relationships between block copolymer chemistry, architecture, and thermodynamics are critical for understanding self-assembly behavior towards designing materials with target properties. Additionally, the methods of processing these polymers to form thin films, both film formation and post-processing methods, can impact the phase behavior and structure of the fabricated polymer film.

This research will leverage a series of novel block copolymers that incorporate a block that is itself a compositional gradient of two polymer chemistries. We can manipulate the composition and shape of this gradient block through precise polymer chemistry with the goal of using this control over polymer structure to control the self-assembly behavior. These custom block-gradient copolymers synthesized at Auburn University will be leveraged with the thin film fabrication and manipulation expertise of ICMN to fabricate polymer thin films and investigate the self-assembly process and ability to manipulate the self-assembly through solvent-vapor annealing. Lastly, thin polymer films with controlled porosity will be prepared through selective removal of one of the blocks and subsequent backfilling with inorganic precursors the fabrication of nanopatterned surfaces.


Dr Bryan Beckingham

LE STUDIUM  Visiting Researcher 

FROM: Auburn University - US 
IN RESIDENCE AT: Interfaces, Confinement, Materials and Nanostructures (ICMN) - CNRS / University of Orléans - FR

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