Water micropollutants: from detection to removal
Hôtel Dupanloup
1 rue Dupanloup
45000 Orléans
The registration is closed.
The conference attendees will have the opportunity to disseminate, acknowledge and discuss of cutting edge research on the thematic of emerging water micropollutants, including the development of new sensors for in-situ monitoring, innovative devices for on-site detection or laboratory analysis, and their proper removal from water and wastewater by means of cost-effective techniques. Participants will include academic researchers, scientists and specialists from water processing and associated industries.
The main aim of this conference is to promote multi-disciplinary collaboration and transfer of knowledge among scientists, industry and official authorities concerning the problematic of emerging micropollutants.
The abstracts selected for either oral or poster presentation underwent a review process within the Scientific Commission of this conference.
LE STUDIUM, together with BRGM, the University of Orléans, CNRS, INRA and the cluster DREAM will support this international conference in the framework of PIVOTS project.
The PIVOTS project is a coordinated set of seven experimental and analytical platforms focused on environmental quality monitoring and sustainable management of natural resources (soil, subsurface, surface water, groundwater, sediment and air) within a context of global change (increased anthropogenic pressure and climate change).
The innovation through PIVOTS will be founded on an integrated approach based on excellent research by academic and industrial experts together at all stages of the value chain, from fundamental research to validation of products and services.
The platforms are identified as:
- DECAP: Development of Environmental Sensors and Pollutants Removal Processes
- PRIME: Remediation and Innovation in the Service of Environmental Metrology
- O-ZNS: Observatory of transport in the Unsaturated Zone
- PERMECA: Testing and Research Platform in Collaborative and Applied Environmental Mechanics
- PESAT: Soil - Atmosphere exchanges in peat bogs
- PESAA: Soil - Atmosphere exchanges in Agricultural soils
- PRAT: Atmospheric Reactivity
The teams involved originate from BRGM (French Geological Survey), University of Orléans, CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research), INRA (National Institute for Agricultural Research), Antea Group (consulting and engineering), DREAM (cluster of enterprises) and LE STUDIUM (Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies).
Main topics
“Removal of micropollutants from water and wastewater”
- Advanced oxidation processes
- Advanced technologies
- Discharge and non-thermal plasma for water treatment
- Emerging organic and inorganic micropollutants
- Ground, surface and waste water treatment
- Integrated and hybrid process technology
- Nanotechnology for water processing
- Sustainable technologies for water treatment
“Sensors for micropollutants detection”
- Biosensors
- Carbon material for sensing application
- Chemical, electrochemical, plasma and laser surface functionalization for selective recognition
- Electrochemical sensors
- Field-Effect Transistor sensors
- Graphene sensors
- Optical sensors
- Plasmon sensors
- Sensor micro/nanofabrication
- Dr Marius Secula, LE STUDIUM Research Fellow / ARD 2020 PIVOTS Programme.
FROM: "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iași - RO
IN RESIDENCE AT: Interfaces, Containment, Materials and Nanostructures (ICMN) - CNRS / University of Orléans - FR - Pr Christine Vautrin-Ul,
Interfaces, Containment, Materials and Nanostructures (ICMN) - CNRS / University of Orléans - FR - Dr Benoît Cagnon,
Interfaces, Containment, Materials and Nanostructures (ICMN) - CNRS / University of Orléans - FR

Scientific committee
- Dr Laurence Amalric, BRGM - FR
- Dr Karine Michel, BRGM - FR
- Dr Coralie Soulier, BRGM - FR
- Dr Anne Togola, BRGM - FR
- Dr Christophe Mouvet, BRGM - FR
- Dr Arnaud Isch, ISTO – CNRS / University of Orléans / BRGM - FR
- Marion Klintzing, ISTO – CNRS / University of Orléans / BRGM - FR
- Dr Fatima Laggoun, ISTO – CNRS / University of Orléans / BRGM - FR
- Dr Sébastien Gogo, ISTO – CNRS / University of Orléans / BRGM - FR
- Dr Arnaud Stolz, GREMI – CNRS / University of Orléans - FR
- Pr Nadjib Semmar, GREMI – CNRS / University of Orléans - FR
- Pr Dunpin Hong, GREMI – CNRS / University of Orléans - FR
- Dr Olivier Aubry, GREMI – CNRS / University of Orléans - FR
- Dr Benoît Cagnon, ICMN - CNRS / University of Orléans - FR
- Dr Marius Secula, "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iași - RO
- Pr Christine Vautrin-Ul, ICMN - CNRS / University of Orléans - FR
- Dr Olivier Chedeville, ICMN - CNRS / University of Orléans - FR
- Dr Jimmy Nicolle, ICMN - CNRS / University of Orléans - FR
- Francis Bertrand, DREAM Cluster – FR
Keynote speakers
- Pr Armando Duarte, University of Aveiro - PT
- Dr Laurent Le Brizoual, Institute of Electronics and Telecommunications of Rennes (IETR) - FR
- Dr Nathalie Guigues, National Testing Laboratory (LNE) - FR
- Dr Benjamin Lopez, BRGM - FR
- Dr Petr Lukeš, Czech Academy of Sciences - CZ
- Pr Fetah Podvorica, Prishtina University - XK
- Pr Maxime Pontié, University of Angers - FR
- Dr Şahika Sena Bayazit, Beykent University - TR
- Pr Conchi Ovin Ania, Spanish Council for Scientific Research – ES
- Pr Héctor Valdés Morales, Catholic University of the Most Holy Conception - CL
- Dr Daniel Villessot, ex-SUEZ France - FR
Abstracts for poster should be submitted before Sunday 7th of October 2018. Please upload your abstract during the registration or send it before the deadline to maurine.villiers@lestudium-ias.fr.
Please download the template for posters.
Please note that we do not print the posters, but racks & pins will be provided for up to A0 sizes, portrait format.
Hôtel Dupanloup : 1, rue Dupanloup - 45000 ORLEANS - FR
The conference venue is unique. Located right next to the Orléans’ cathedral, the episcopal palace of Orléans, built between 1635 and 1641, locally known as the Hôtel Dupanloup, is a classical French building which served until 1905 of residence to the bishops of Orléans. Since 2014, the renewed palace hosts the International University Center for Research and LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies
Participants will be welcomed in this exceptional surrounding, blending Middle Age and Renaissance cultures with modern design and will have the opportunity to discover French cuisine and wines.
Conference programme
Monday November 26th 2018
- 12:30 Welcome lunch & registration
- 14:00 Official Opening by Sophie Gabillet (LE STUDIUM) & Presentation of the PIVOTS Program by Dr Christophe Mouvet (BRGM)
- 14:25 Plenary conference: Dr Benjamin Lopez - Micropollutants in Groundwater : from research studies to operational and regulatory implementations
- 15:10 Pr Laurent Le Brizoual - Field effect transistor sensors for liquid media
- 15:45 Dr Jérôme Launay - Multi-sensor platform using electrochemical and optical detection for pollutant detection in fresh water
- 16:05 Dr Olga Shavdina - Inkjet-printed electrochemical sensor for micro-pollutants detection
- 16:25 Coffee break
- 16:55 Dr Conchi Ania - Photocatalysis based on nanoporous carbons: perspectives for the removal of pollutants
- 17:30 Dr Emmanuel Mousset - Implementation of micro-fluidic reactors for micropollutant removal by electrochemical treatment
- 17:50 Dr Olivier Aubry - Paracetamol degradation in water by non-thermal plasma and heterogeneous catalysis coupling
- 18:10 Pr Rachid Delimi - Electrochemical degradation of a textile dye on PbO2 electrode of a lead-acid battery
- 19:30 Wine & cheese cocktail
Tuesday November 27th 2018
- 08:45 Welcome coffee
- 09:00 Plenary conference: Dr Héctor Valdés - Role of oxygen-containing functional surface groups of activated carbons in a hybrid heterogeneous ozonation system
- 09:45 Pr Maxime Pontié - Carbon modified sensors dedicated to organic micropollutants analysis
- 10:20 Dr Denis Doizi - Study and conception of an optode for pH measurement
- 10:40 Dr Philippe Namour - Determination of WFD metals using new electrochemical BDD microcells micromachined with Femtosecond Laser
- 11:00 Coffee break
- 11:30 Dr Petr Lukes - Plasmachemical decontamination of water
- 12:05 Dr Pascal Brault - Reactive molecular dynamics simulations of plasma treatment of emerging pollutants in water
- 12:25 Pr Laurent Duclaux - Coupling ultrasound treatment and adsorption on activated carbon for the removal micropollutants from water
- 12:45 Lunch
- 14:00 Short presentations posters
- 14:30 Posters session
- 15:15 Dr Nathalie Guigues - Assessing the performances of sensors and devices for water monitoring: why and how?
- 15:50 Dr Caroline Cannizzo - Functionalized screen printed electrodes: effects of nanostructuration on the detection of metallic pollutants in water
- 16:10 Dr Emilie Mathieu-Scheers - Surface modification in protic ionic liquid media: application to water monitoring
- 16:30 Noura Chlak - Development of nanostructured electrochemical microsensors for the detection of organic pesticides residues
- 16:50 Coffee break
- 17:20 Dr Şahika Sena Bayazit - Pharmaceutical pollution in wastewater: magnetic nanomaterials
- 17:55 Vânia Lourenço - Influence of the photodegradation treatments in terms of toxicity on industrial effluents
- 19:30 Social dinner - Le Lift
Wednesday November 28th 2018
- 08:45 Welcome coffee
- 09:00 Plenary conference: Dr Daniel Villessot - Analysis of water micropollutants: the industry approach
- 10:00 Pr Armando Da Costa Duarte - From macro to nano environmental plastics: an issue of emerging concern from detection to remediation
- 10:35 Pr Christophe Guimbaud - High resolution infrared spectroscopy applied for measurements of trace gas emissions from various land surfaces to atmosphere: performances and applications to monitor the dynamic of biodegradation of gasoline BTEX in contaminated aquifers
- 10:55 Pr Benoît Piro & Dr Julien Vieillard - Electrolyte-Gated Field Effect Transistors (EGOFETs) for sensing of pollutants in water
- 11:15 Imer Sadriu - Electrochemical preparation of a molecularly imprinted polypyrrole - modified glassy carbon electrode for determination of isoproturon
- 11:35 Coffee break
- 11:55 Pr Fetah Podvorica - Electro-Fenton process. Influence of the electrode materials
- 12:30 Pr Sabir Hazourli - Adsorption and electrosorption of arsenic (III) on coal resulting
- 12:50 Best poster award ceremony
- 13:00 Lunch
Workshop: Industrial challenges and collaborative innovation projects
- 14:00 Overview of european funding programs / Environment National Contact Point – DREAM Cluster
- 14:10 Companies feedbacks based on case studies
Detection : Water Micropollutants: diagnosis tools, needs and perspective
Removal : State of the art and improvements axis - 15:25 Emerging challenge focus: the bio-indicators / Watchfrog company
- 15:45 B2B public-private
- 16:15 Closing remarks
(Including three lunches, a Wine & Cheese cocktail and the coffee breaks)
Private institutions | 250 EUR |
Public institutions | 180 EUR |
Students & PhD Scholars | 75 EUR |
Gala dinner | 60 EUR |