
     Professor in Molecular Medecine

     Imperial College London, Faculty of Medicine, UK

     Research Interests: Biology, Dermapharmaceuticals, Cosmetics,
     Physicochemical characterization, Sensorial analysis and efficacy evaluation
     of cosmetic products 


Mirela Liliana Moldovan, PhD, is a professor at the Department of Dermopharmacy and Cosmetics, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Iuliu Hațieganu" from Cluj-Napoca, Romania. She has considerable research and teaching experience related to the cosmetic and dermopharmaceutic field. Her research activity is focused on two complementary topics: the design, physicochemical characterization, in vitro and in vivo evaluation of topical drug products and the formulation, physicochemical characterization, sensorial analysis, and efficacy evaluation of cosmetic products (emulsions, creams, toothpastes, mouthwashes etc.) by non-invasive approach (corneometry, sebumetry, tewametry, pH-metry, ultrasonography). Her professional activity also included project management and leadership activities. She has published over 60 scientific papers, is author or co-author of over 20 books (scientific or didactic) in national publishing houses and 1 book chapter in an international publishing house, and she has 2 patent applications (Mirela L. Moldovan Researcher ID).