LE STUDIUM Research Fellow arrival: Dr Maria Clotilde Camboni
LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies is delighted to announce as of 1st September 2016 the arrival of Italian Dr Marie Clotilde Camboni, research and teaching assistant at the University of Friburg, expert in the italian 16th and 19th centuries literature. Maria Clotilde Camboni is a laureate from the 2016 SMART LOIRE VALLEY FELLOWSHIP Programme co-financed by the European Union (Marie Slodowska Curie Actions - H2020). Her host scientist is the Pr Chiara Lastraioli at the CESR (Centre for Advanced Studies in the Renaissance, UMR 7323), CNRS/University François-Rabelais of Tours. Dr Maria Clotilde Camboni's research programme is called Middle Ages in Renaissance.