2019 - 2020
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Eric Robert, GREMI / CNRS, University of Orléans - FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Eric Robert, GREMI / CNRS, University of Orléans - FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Eric Lespessailles, Imagerie Multimodale Multiéchelle et Modélisation du Tissu Osseux et articulaire (I3MTO) / University of Orléans - FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Robert Courtois, Quality of life and psychological health (Qualipsy) / University of Tours - FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Sébastien Roger, Laboratoire Transplantation, Immunologie, Inflammation (T2I), University of Tours - FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Svetlana Eliseeva, Molecular Biophysics Center (CBM) / CNRS - FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Wolfram Kloppmann, French Geological Survey (BRGM) - FR