Continental Geo-Hydrosystems (GeHCO)

GéoHydrosystèmes continentaux
UFR Sciences et Techniques - Secrétariat du Géosciences-Environnement
Parc de Grandmont
Tours 37200
Mohammed Boussafir
Scientific Field
The “GéoHydrosystèmes continentaux” research unit focuses on the transfer fluxes of water, particles, and organic and inorganic contaminants in river systems. Some of Gehco’s distinctive points consist in field-model coupling (analog and digital), development and supervision of an observatory (lowland basin, high-frequency quantification of fluxes & erosion control factors) and an experimental dam-break hydraulic channel (modeling of sediment transport, flash floods, extreme events, etc.).
Research topics :
- Earth surface geosciences (CNU 36, INSU/CNRS SIC domain)
- Continental environments
- Contaminants
Equipment and technology :
In the field
- Coring platform
- Coring devises
- Instrumented hydrosedimentary observatory (Louroux, France)
- Microplastic 330 bionef manta net
- GL-Biocontrol ATPmetry kit
- Aquatroll 500 multi-sensor telemetry probe
Analytical platform :
Sedimentology and petrography
- Susceptibilimeter
- LM300 Litholamellage Tray
- Ganulometer Lazer
- Spectrocolorimeter
- 3D Vibratory Sieve Shaker - AS450
- Rheometer
- Polyvalent microscope & stereomicroscope: transmitted & incident light and UV excitation for fluorescenc
- Metrohm – Ionic chromatography
- Metrohm – Polarography
- Shimadzu – C-N elemental liquid analyser
- Shimadzu – UV-VIS spectrometry
- LECO – C-S elemental analyser
- Lux-box (degradation of plastic polymers)
- Bac-FLOW
- Dam-Break Canal
- CaSSiS® (Calculation of Soil Simplified Surplus)