Observatoire des sciences de l’univers en région Centre-Val de Loire

Campus Géosciences 1A, rue de la Férollerie CS 20066 -

Christophe Tournassat

The Earth and Space Research Observatory in the Centre-Val de Loire region (Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers en région Centre – Val de Loire, OSUC) is one of the 28 Earth and Space Research Observatories (OSU) of the National Institute of Sciences of the Universe of the CNRS, and is the Earth and Space Science Department of the University of Orléans.
The role of the Earth and Space Research Observatories is to implement long-term actions and national observation services, to promote interdisciplinary research, to disseminate scientific knowledge and to train students within universities, from college to graduate levels.
OSUC is a federative structure that brings together three research laboratories: the Earth Sciences Institute of Orléans (ISTO), the Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of the Environment and Space (LPC2E) and the Radioastronomy Observatory in Nançay (ORN). Partner teams from other laboratories in the Région Centre - Val de Loire, especially in Orléans, Tours, and Bourges, are also part of OSUC.
The OSUC relies on a Research Support Unit (UAR 3116) to carry out its missions. The UAR is funded by three operators: the CNRS, the University of Orléans and the Observatory of Paris.

Research themes:

OSUC is a federation of three founding research entities that report directly to the National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy (INSU), CNRS.

The Institute of Earth Sciences of Orleans (ISTO), is a joint research unit (UMR 7327) that unites the entire Orleans academic community working in geosciences. Research covers the vast field of geology, ranging from magmas to mineral resources and sedimentary basins, up to present-day environments.

The Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of the Environment and Space (LPC2E), also a joint research unit (UMR 7328), is one of the space laboratories of the INSU accredited by the National Centre for Space Studies (CNES). Its research activities concern the study of atmospheric and space media, using a variety of approaches: analysis, experimentation (balloons, satellites, aircraft, ground-based equipment) and modeling.

The Nançay Radioastronomy Station, is a research and service unit (USR 704), dedicated to developing and applying radio techniques to astronomy and astrophysics. It makes instrumental systems available to scientists to enable them to carry out research pro- grams in the fields of radio observation of the universe and exploration of the Earth’s environment and the solar system.

Observation facilities:

Radioastronomy instruments, satellite instruments, aircraft and balloons for observation of space or stratospheric media, atmospheric simulation chamber HELIOS, instrumented wetlands (National Peatland Observatory and karst aquifer of the Val d’Orléans), electronic and microelectronic devices.

Université d'Orléans
Observatoire de Paris - PSL