© UnivTours
Laboratoire de Mécanique Gabriel Lamé

EA 7494 - Laboratoire de Mécanique Gabriel Lamé
Site de Tours 7 Avenue Marcel Dassault
Tours 37200

Stéphane Meo
Contact /

4 other sites: Orléans (Polytech), Bourges (INSA & IUT), Blois (INSA) & Chartres (Polytech)

Three universities in the Center Val-de_Loire region bring together their research teams in the field of mechanics, materials, structures and civil engineering in a laborato­ry. This new research unit brings together 54 permanent research professors and about 40 PhD students. 

The activity is organised around 4 research teams:

  • Mechanical Behaviour of Materials and Processes (C2MP),
  • Dynamics and Vibrations of Structures (DVS),
  • Multi-scale, Multi-physics Characterisation and Modelling (C3M),
  • Degradation, Fatigue and Vulnerability (DFV).

Research topics: Mechanics of Materials and structures under statics, cy­clic, dynamics and mutliphysical loadings.

Equipment and technology:

Material testing:

  • Testing machines (tension, tension-torsion, steady state et dynamical, fatigue…)
  • Rheology (DMA),
  • MEB,
  • Processes,
  • Hot tests (1200°) controlled atmosphere,
  • X-ray microtomography
  • Physicochemical characterization (DSC, ATG...)
  • Geomaterials,
  • Hopkinson bars

Structures tests:

  • Vibrations
  • Shocks
  • Explosions

Analysis techniques:

  • Camera
  • Fast camera


Université de Tours
Université d'Orléans