Plasma Cosmetic Consortium
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Eric Robert, GREMI / CNRS, University of Orléans - FR
Summary of the consortium
Physical plasmas, generated by electric discharges, delivered at room temperature in ambient air, are the focus of a tremendous research and development activity around the world from about one decade for their potentialities for biomedical applications. The new domain so called “plasma medicine” covers a broad range of fields including cancer treatment. The need for the emergence of a new workshop derived from this plasma medicine frame, will be considered at the International Workshop on Plasma Cosmetic Science during the plasma cosmetic consortium meeting in Orleans. The unique context of ARD2020 CosmétoScience program supported by Région Centre Val de Loire and of the Cosmetic Valley network will offer a relevant frame to set this workshop with the main objective to merge together the cosmetic industry perspectives with the innovative prospects of plasma-based enabling technologies. Plasma scientists, biologists and cosmetic experts will discuss not only new plasma applications but good practices, toxicity and regulation issues as well.