Each year, Le Studium welcomes 30 to 40 experienced international researchers who form an inspiring international learning community across all scientific disciplines. During their residence period they work in close collaboration with a regional laboratory in order to implement an innovating project for which they have passed a fair and thorough selection process in the framework of competitive calls for application assessed by independent international experts. They bring to the region new skills and collaboration perspectives.
During their time in the region, LE STUDIUM Research Fellows are invited to take an active role in the scientific life of the institute, giving presentations, organising international events and contributing to scientific gathering and debates.
As part of its mission to enhance human capacity building in the region, Le Studium in partnership with the universities of Orléans and Tours, has committed to invite the Centre-Val de Loire PhD students to attend specific scientific events (LE STUDIUM THURSDAYS and LECTURES), offering them the opportunity to widen their knowledge and to validate a cross-disciplinary module.
The objectives of this transdisciplinary offer are:
• to open up PhD students‘ mind to other research topics they are not familiar with – Transdisciplinarity
• to integrate PhD students to an international community of experienced researchers – Internationalisation of research
• to contribute to human capital building in the region – Training
PhD students may seize the opportunity to validate one of the transdisciplinary units they must follow during the 3 years of their PhD course by attending these events. LE STUDIUM offers around 20 events to PhD students each academic year.
The LE STUDIUM THURSDAYS are monthly interdisciplinary scientific seminars during which LE STUDIUM RESEARCH FELLOWS presents a topic related to their research field. The presentations give rise to very open discussions between researchers who work in different fields. The seminars conclude with a cocktail and an informal time of discussions during which participants share ideas, make new connections and get to know each other better. The goal is that these transdisciplinary gatherings arouse creativity and that new project ideas arise as in a think tank.
LE STUDIUM THURSDAYS take place every first Thursday of the month at 4:00pm in Orléans, Tours, Blois or Bourges (except in August-namely 11 events per year), and gather:
- Their Host scientists
- Guests and collaborators
- International guests
- PhD Students
An electronic RSVP invitation is launched to all LE STUDIUM RESEARCH FELLOWS, research laboratories and university doctoral schools in order to manage upfront events’ logistics.
Presentation language is English.
Registration is mandatory.
The LE STUDIUM LECTURES are public presentations aiming at spreading the scientific knowledge. In the framework of international conferences, LE STUDIUM RESEARCH FELLOWS and their host laboratories plan for and organise a LE STUDIUM LECTURE highlighting a specific topic relating to their scientific field.
A researcher and expert in this domain gives a 45 minutes presentation followed by a question and exchange time.
The presentation takes place in the early evening at 6:00pm or 6:30pm.
A dozen of LE STUDIUM LECTURES is organised each year, in Orléans or Tours.
An electronic invitation is launched to the wider scientific community including all research laboratories and university doctoral schools and to the public.
Presentation language is French.
Registration for PhD Students is mandatory.
OFFER: Validation of a cross-disciplinary module
The topics cover all scientific fields: human and social sciences, health and life sciences, earth sciences, ecology and environment, computer sciences, mathematics and physics, material and energy sciences.
The presentations are instructive and introductions offer a wide range of research structures and projects in the region.
The speaking time at the end of events unfolds informally: PhD students can share ideas freely and ask questions spontaneously without any constraint. It is also an opportunity to go beyond common understanding, to discover and grasp new scientific trends and the evolutions of the society, which are often implicit in the presentations and topics approached by researchers.
Cocktails consist in very good opportunities to build contacts and train the sense of social and professional interaction.
How to participate/validate
- At least 5 participations to a LE STUDIUM event, 3 of them to be a LE STUDIUM THURSDAY, are required to validate the transdisciplinary unit.
- Registration: PhD students must confirm their participation by email a few days before the event. Only registered participation will be taken into consideration. Please send your emails (registration/summary) to maurine.villiers@lestudium-ias.fr.
- The maintenance of a presence sheet signed during the event testifies the participation. In case of a virtual event, the institute will testify.