Prof. Alessandra Lopes de Oliveira

In residence at
Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry (ICOA) / CNRS, University of Orléans - FR
Host scientist
Prof. Caroline West
Graduated in Food Engineering from the State University of São Paulo Júlio de Mesquita Filho/UNESP (1994), master's and doctorate in Food Engineering from the State University of Campinas/UNICAMP (1997/2002 respectively). She was visiting professor at the Institute de Chimie Organique et Analityque at the Université d'Orleans (France) (2008-2010). She is currently a professor at the Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering at the University of São Paulo, Head of the Department of Food Engineering and Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Food Engineering. She is a supervisor in the graduate program in Food Engineering at the Faculty of Animal Science and Food Engineering at the University of São Paulo and an invited professor of the International Master Program: Analytical Chemistry for Drugs and Natural Products at the UFR des sciences Pharmaceutiques at the Université de Bordeaux since 2016. She is a reviewer for several scientific journals with a safe editorial policy, such as the Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Revista Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, Food Science and Technology (LWT), Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies, Food Chemistry among others.
Develops research in the area of Food Science and Technology, specifically in Food Engineering processes, with emphasis on systems that use supercritical carbon dioxide and extraction with pressurized liquid, working mainly on topics related to the study of phase equilibrium, optimization of green processes for obtaining natural extracts (fruits and plants) in addition to developing research in the area of chromatographic analysis, sensory analysis and processing of ice cream
Identification of active compounds in insect oils and in vegetable oils from Brazilian endemic plants
Brazil contains a large part of the world's biodiversity (about 15 to 20%) and medicinal plants enter this percentage, in addition to the fact that the country is an important food producer, in this way, cultivated plants or those naturally present in the Brazilian flora is responsible for the production of raw materials for the development of food, cosmetics, medicinal plants and other drugs.
This biodiversity, combined with the rich ethnic and cultural diversity, holds the traditional knowledge associated with the use of these plants. This is why the High Pressure Technology and Natural Products Laboratory (LTAPPN) of the University of São Paulo develops research aimed at developing green technologies, optimizing processes and increasing the scale of extract production rich in active compounds and free of toxic residues of organic solvent origin .
Although the rich biodiversity and traditional knowledge are characterized as a necessary potential to develop research with technologies, the study of the composition of these extracts is fundamental for their applications.
In this way, the interaction of research with the ICOA (Institute of Organic and Analytical Chemistry) of the University of Orléans emerges with a strong desire to develop joint projects, with a great attraction for internationalization, in addition to allowing consolidation of existing search links. The objective of the research development period at the ICOA is to identify active compounds in vegetable oils and insect oils with strong appeal for the cosmetics industry.