Coordinator of the consortium: Maxime Gueguinou
Niche, Nutrition, Cancer & Oxidative metabolism (N2COX) / INSERM, University of Tours - FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Christophe Baltzinger
Forest Ecosystems Research Unit (EFNO)-FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Brice Korkmaz
Centre of studies for Respiratory Pathologies (CEPR) / inserm, University of Tours - FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Prof. Christine Rousselle
PRISME / University of Orléans - FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Lucie Pellissier
Physiology of Reproduction and Behaviour (PRC) / Centre INRAE Val de Loire, CNRS, University of Tours, IFCE - FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Vincent Courdavault
Plant Biocompounds and Biotechnology (BBV) / University of Tours – FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Tjarda Roberts, Laboratory of Physics and Chemistry of Environment and Space (LPC2E) / CNRS, University of Orléans, CNES - FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Brice Korkmaz, Research Center for Respiratory Diseases (CEPR) / Inserm, University of Tours - FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Prof. Hélène Blasco, Imaging and Brain laboratory (iBrain), INSERM / University of Tours - FR
Coordinator of the consortium: Dr Bernard Gratuze, IRAMAT-CEB / CNRS, University of Orléans - FR