Psychology of the Various Stages of Life and Adaptation (PAVeA)

UFR Arts et Sciences Humaines
3 rue des Tanneurs BP 4103
Tours 37041
The research conducted at PAVéA concerns the study of human development at all stages of life, and is organized around prevention and intervention to maintain or promote health, well-being and adaptation in children, adolescents, adults and older adults.
Research topics:
The laboratory’s work focuses on 3 main themes: Transgressions, Vulnerabilities and Resources, addressed at different stages of life. The team is characterized by a plurality of theoretical and methodological approaches (quantitative and qualitative) and by an applicative aim to innovate or improve prevention and intervention systems (developmental, social or clinical).
Skills and know-how:
• A significant proportion of our research is focused on applications, with a particular emphasis on risk prevention to avoid maladjustment of the individual (whatever his or her age), which could lead to a situation of vulnerability.
• The resources that promote healthy aging (diet, adapted physical activity, spirituality, etc.) are studied in particular, and include intergenerational links as a social support that promotes intergenerational family cohesion.
• Most research is carried out in a variety of living environments, with the most ecological approach possible: schools, nursing homes, prisons, etc.
• The development of tools to assess the behavior of individuals at different ages and in different contexts.