The Ambition Research Development CVL Sycomore programme mobilizes regional players, researchers and socio-economic players around forestry issues. Its aim is to support the transition of silvicultural practices in the face of the challenges posed by climate change. The Sycomore programme aims to develop innovative, sustainable solutions to prevent forest dieback, while promoting multifunctional silviculture: guaranteeing a healthy forest, ensuring its renewal, preserving its biodiversity, and maintaining quality wood production for future generations.
The programme, funded by the Centre-Val de Loire (CVL), is led by INRAE Centre Val de Loire, in partnership with the University of Orléans, the University of Tours, CNPF, ONF, CybelTech, Aquanova, Vegepolys Valley, Fibois CVL, DSF, Le Studium, Unisylva, AgreenTech Valley and Centre Sciences. 


To achieve these objectives, Sycomore relies on three research projects:

- The Reconfort project, combining technology and observations to locate and understand tree decline.

- The Renouv project, aimed at preparing tomorrow's forests by optimizing natural tree regeneration practices,

- The GenForFutur project, aimed at identifying the forest genetic resources best suited to cope with climate change.

The Sycomore programme also provides training for professionals, and educational and awareness-raising initiatives for the general public and forestry industry professionals.

Sycomore also seeks to meet the needs of the forestry and timber industry by :

- Developing and distributing decision-making tools for forestry professionals,

- Reinforcing the visibility of the regional forestry training offer

- Communicating forestry issues and programme progress to the general public.



