Physiology of Reproduction and Behaviour (PRC)

Centre INRAE Val-de-Loire
Nouzilly 37380
The unit conducts basic and applied research on the reproductive function, adaptation and emotional, social and sexual behaviour of domestic animals (ca le, sheep, goats, horses, pigs and poultry) and model species (rats, mouse and quail). The themes and methods used, including integrative and predictive biology approaches, contribute to the sustainability of farming systems while combining competitiveness, environmental protection and citizen expectations. The UMR is made up of 8 research teams, 1 team project with INRIA. It hosts 1 technologic platform and 3 technical facilities.
Research topics:
- Reproductive physiology
- Neuroendocrinology
- Animal behaviour
Equipment and technology:
The PIXANIM platform (INRAE / CHU / University): Phenotyping by In/eX vivo Imaging from the ANImal to the Molecule, allows animal phenotyping and functional exploration, from the whole animal to the molecule. It is equipped with three hospital-standard operating rooms, imaging apparatus (3 Tesla MRI, 128-slice CT scan, 3D ultrasound, dual colour endomicroscope, image intensifier) and mass spectrometry equipment (MALDI-TOF RapifleX, LTQ Velos Pro Obitrap). It integrates : 1) interventional physiology for medical and veterinary studies, 2) 2D/3D in/ex vivo imaging with a set of complementary technologies and 3) molecular analyses with a set of technologies dedicated to proteomics and lipidomics for the identification and quantification of biomolecules.
The PIC facility (Cell imaging plateform of the PRC unit) brings together ressources in photonic microscopy and image analisys.
The Phenotyping-Endocrinology Laboratory is specialized in the measurement of reproductive hormone levels in mammalian and avian species in various biological substrates. It is equipped with an automatic dispensing machine, washers and microplate readers.
The ISLANDe facility (Informatique Scientifique & ANalyses de Données for Scientific computing and data analysis) provides storage capacities for the scientific data generated in situ as well as an intensive computer infrastructure available for the INRAE center in Tours. ISLANDe delivers data analysis skills to fulf